Category: Productivity Boost

Too Much On Your Plate? This Simple Method Will Help You To Simplify And Prioritize Your Life.

We live in the Burnout Hustle Culture where if you’re not working extremely hard, ideally, 80-100 hours a week you are either unambitious or you’re just procrastinating. We are expected to be busy multitasking in every waking moment and if we’re not, we are lazy and unambitious. Or even worse, we are labelled as procrastinators that are living the life of failure. In such an environment, there’s no place to breathe or simply to be.
Time, energy and attention are the limited resources that’s why you need to learn to use them wisely. Otherwise, you will keep missing deadlines despite your commitment to hard work. And we all know how stressful, unmotivating and defeating not being able to meet deadlines makes us feel. That’s a horrible feeling. Not to mention that it can ruin your reputation in the workplace. So, what is a solution? Is there any way we could get to Beyoncé-Level Productive?

Done Is Better Than Perfect: 10 Reasons Why You Start Before You Are Ready.

Perfection exists an abstraction of our minds trying to control the uncontrollable. It’s just an illusion just like a concept of absolute free will created by our subconscious mind making us believe that we have a direct impact of everything in the universe. But the truth is, we cannot control outside factors such as the weather, the future, the past, the global economy, geopolitical situation or the most recent example – the pandemic. Ok, but what this has to do with the idea of perfection, you may ask. Well, in my personal opinion perfection could be attainable if we were omnipotent. But we aren’t and we will never be. In other words, perfection would be possible if we could control everything and everyone, when in fact we can ONLY control ourselves. Not to mention that we no matter how prepared we are, there’s no way we can predict with 100% what outcome are actions will produce. There are just too many variables to take into consideration…
So no matter how alluring and intriguing the idea of reaching perfection is, it’s still not attainable. That’s why we should focus on the process instead of striving for something that doesn’t even exist in the real world. Of course, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t work hard. Of course, you should. Furthermore, you should always give your best shot but at the same time, you should avoid setting standards that are unrealistic or unattainable. Remember that, the more action you take the more results you create. Whilst, overthinking and overanalyzing everything in details to the nth degree creates confusion and leads to procrastination. Not to mention that it last sot you lost opportunity. Keep that in mind. Better done than perfect!

How to Prioritize Your Life & Make Your Productivity Skyrocket - FREE Printable Workbook!

We live on the run. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are incredibly overloaded by too much irrelevant information that we cannot even process. We eat in a hurry. We listen instead of reading. We write instead of talking. We literally don’t have time for anything besides work. We live a sedentary lifestyle far away from purest nature. It’s time to change this negative pattern! It’s time to get your priorities straight and regain control over your time! 

That’s why I created FREE Printable “Prioriritze Your Life” Workbook to help you set your priorities straight and regain control of your life! 

You can download the 42-page Workbook by clicking the link below! I hope you enjoy it!

9 Powerful Mindfulness-Based Time Management Tips And Skills

Simple and powerful tips to mindful time-management. Manage your time mindfully. Set a healthy rutine, create an effective schedule, eliminate unnecessary decisions, focus on your goals, set smart goals, organize your time and schedule mindfully, stop overthinking, boost your productivity, improve your focus and eliminate your distractions. Align your goals with your life’s purpose.

How To Stay Focused In A World Full Of Distractions

We live in a busy world full of distractions which makes difficult to focus on particular tasks. Just think about it how often do you check your social media accounts or watch youtube channels during your working hours? I bet, you do it very often, so do I. BUt is distraction always a bad thing? Or maybe we can benefit from being distracted sometimes? This post responds to this tricky question!

FREE Life Balance Workbook

Get your FREE printable WORKBOOK and regain control of your life.