Tag: abuse

Forgiven Not Forgotten - Why Forgiveness Is For You Not The Other Person.

Have you ever heard that forgiveness is for you not for other person? It’s true. Furthermore, forgiving doesn not mean forgetting, excusing unaxeptable behavior or minimizing your pain. Actually it’s the opposite. Forgiveness means acknowlege your suffering and using it to grow as a person. Forgiveness means freedom and being able to move forvard with your life. It doesn’t mean that you have to forgive lightly and forget all the bad someone caused to you. Being able to forgive means being able to use suffering and hurt into your advantage and grow from this difficult feelings. Just like letting go of resentments helps you to find your peace of mind and create a healthy balance. Forgiveness is freedom.

Assertiveness - How To Become An Assertive Person.

Let’s focus more on the importance of assertiveness as one of the communication skills we should all acquire for our own good. At this point, we can all probably agree that assertiveness is advocating for yourself in a calm but effective way. In my opinion, assertiveness serves the same purpose as personal boundaries, because it makes you be in control of your own life, helps you protect your inner integrity, makes you empowered and helps you make good and healthy life decisions.

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