Tag: afternoon slump

Trick Your Brain Into Being Productive: 9 Smart Tactics.

So you’ve wok up and you have zero motivation. None, nada, aucune, zilch… motivational force to even get out of bed not to mention let alone getting to work.  

On days like these, you have a choice. You can indulge in (a little) self-pity hoping that it will change anything or we can trick your brain into being productive by doing the things that may not be on your top priority list but still have to be done and here are some pretty effective ways to do that! 

Work From Home Habits To Stay Productive And Healthy: 10 Powerful Hacks.

Working from home seems to be the dream come true for many employees, and indeed it is. Because if you consider all the benefits, remote working is a luxury. You don’t waste time commuting, you spend more time at home, you have a flexible schedule and you can stay all day long in comfy clothes. But you also sit all day long, work next to the fridge and most likely mix your professional and personal responsibilities. So that’s the other, less exciting side of remote working that can lead to procrastination, lack of motivation and various health problems.

To help you avoid that, today I’m sharing 10 absolutely awesome work from home habits that will maximize your productivity levels and help you maintain good health!

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