10 Modern Self-Limiting Habits You Need To Quit To Live Your Best Life.
6 powerful self-improvement habits to adopt before 2020. Set yourself up for a successful 2020 righ now.
Coomon Myths & Misconceptions About Mindfulness that holding people back from practicing the authenticity of the present moment.
There is a lot of books, articles, online courses, podcasts, videos and other resources about how practicing mindfulness can help you to improve your life and boost your wellbeing and happiness. But is there any dark side of practicing Mindfulness? Can Mindfulness become a trap? Yes, of course it can. That’s why it is so important to understand this whole concept of being mindful and living in the present moment before you strat practicing mindful meditations and other exercises. “Being mindful” means embracing perfectly imperfect experience of living here and now .
Let’s focus more on the importance of assertiveness as one of the communication skills we should all acquire for our own good. At this point, we can all probably agree that assertiveness is advocating for yourself in a calm but effective way. In my opinion, assertiveness serves the same purpose as personal boundaries, because it makes you be in control of your own life, helps you protect your inner integrity, makes you empowered and helps you make good and healthy life decisions.