Tag: burnout

Top 9 Self-Care Activities For Busy People.

Most of us know that we should prioritize self-care but when it comes to practising it suddenly it turns out that we are way too busy. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are overloaded by an insane amount of information that it cannot even process. 

We eat in a hurry because apparently, 20 minutes for a lunch break is long enough not only to chew your food properly but also to notice the smell and taste of the food. We constantly sacrifice our sleep to accomplish more work in a day. We talk through messaging because make a phone call or actually meet someone in person would be a waste of time and we don’t have any. 

We are extremely stressed, anxious and overwhelmed with work, family responsibilities, financial challenges and that never-ending to-do list that was supposed to help us but instead it’s making us feel even worse. When someone asks us when was the last time we took a day for ourselves we are unable to answer. 

It’s time to break free from this negative life pattern and start taking better care of yourself! To help you with that today I’m sharing with you 9 simple self-care practices for extremely busy people. I hope you’re like it!

10 Powerful Ways To Recover From A Really Bad Day.

So you had a bad day, huh? You didn’t get the internship or job you really wanted. Your car broke down in a high way. Maybe you were not able to pass an important exam and now you have to wait an entire year for another chance… Well, that sucks… a bit… But hey, the fact that the things didn’t work out as planned does not mean that you are a failure! Sometimes it’s hard to believe that bad even bad days happen for a reason. Everything depends on how you look at things. Because problems can be turned into opportunities and negative experiences can be used into your advantage. But to be able to do that you need to adopt a growth mindset. Remember that having a bad day does not mean that you have a bad life.

Let’s Cultivate “Il Dolce Far Niente”.

“Il Dolce Far NIente” means the sweetness of doing nothing. This Italian concept can be also describe as plesant indleness, mindful relaxation, celebration of life or just the act of enjoying yourself. We live in a busy world constantly forgetting about the importance of relaxation and pleasure of these little things in life that make us incredibly happy, satisfied and fulfilled. Italians know how to enjoy themselves when they drink creamy cappuccino, eat delishious gelato or tasty pasta. The life is now and every single moment in precious that’s why we should learn to pay more attention on the present moment and when it’s possible just enjoying ourselves and the beauty of little pleasures.

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