Tag: communication skills

How To Be Productive During The Pandemic - 10 Powerful Tips For Working From Home Effectively.

Whether you work from home during the Coronavirus Pandemic or thinking about starting a side hustle you need a good strategy that will help you to work effectively, create motivation and stay focus on your goals during these chaotic times. That’s why today I am sharing with you 10 powerful tips on how to boost your mental focus, make your productivity skyrocket and get in the flow. But before you start reading, I just want to remember you that this situation is temporary and even if we cannot control it we can STILL control how we respond to it. So make good use of this “time off”. You are in control of your life, time and productivity levels. Don’t wait for the future, create it RIGHT NOW. Keep your head up. You got this! 

Assertiveness - How To Become An Assertive Person.

Let’s focus more on the importance of assertiveness as one of the communication skills we should all acquire for our own good. At this point, we can all probably agree that assertiveness is advocating for yourself in a calm but effective way. In my opinion, assertiveness serves the same purpose as personal boundaries, because it makes you be in control of your own life, helps you protect your inner integrity, makes you empowered and helps you make good and healthy life decisions.

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