Tag: thoughts

Simple Technique to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts and Calm Your Anxious Mind.

So you’re just chilling with your friends trying to figure out where should you eat your lunch and then boom! Your brain switched mode from “keep calm and relax” to “unwanted intrusive thoughts”. Obsessive thoughts just pop up in your head triggering an anxiety attack and you just can’t understand what happened. Only moments ago, you were so calm, relaxed and totally unaware of what would happen next… And now you find yourself unable to understand the situation you found yourself in.

Simple But Powerful Self-Care Tips for Solid Mental Health - be your own therapist

We like to think of ‘mind’ and ‘body’ as two separate entities with no connection between them. But when it comes to health this way of thinking can lead to a misconception. But
mental health and physical health are closely linked and you should value your mental and physical wellbeing equally. Because if you focus only on building a strong body completely ignoring your mental health you will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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