Tag: too much on your plate

Too Much On Your Plate? This Simple Method Will Help You To Simplify And Prioritize Your Life.

We live in the Burnout Hustle Culture where if you’re not working extremely hard, ideally, 80-100 hours a week you are either unambitious or you’re just procrastinating. We are expected to be busy multitasking in every waking moment and if we’re not, we are lazy and unambitious. Or even worse, we are labelled as procrastinators that are living the life of failure. In such an environment, there’s no place to breathe or simply to be.
Time, energy and attention are the limited resources that’s why you need to learn to use them wisely. Otherwise, you will keep missing deadlines despite your commitment to hard work. And we all know how stressful, unmotivating and defeating not being able to meet deadlines makes us feel. That’s a horrible feeling. Not to mention that it can ruin your reputation in the workplace. So, what is a solution? Is there any way we could get to Beyoncé-Level Productive?

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