Tag: trust your gut

10 Simple Ways To Live A More Holistic Lifestyle And Why It’s Worth Trying!

Holistic Lifestyle is the healthiest way of living your life. This way of living is much more than holistic medicine, natural remedies or connecting with nature. It’s about healing your mind, body and spirit and creating a healthy balance that helps you to live more healthier, happier and fulfilled life. Holistic lifestyle is about looking at the big picture, finding your life purpose, taking mindful decisions and embracing pros and cons of every situation. It’s not about being perfect but about finding the best version of yourself, being grateful and celebrating every single day. In this post you will learn about 10 simple ways to live a more holistic lifestyle that will help you to start your holistic journey help you to start your journey to a healthier, happier and more mindful version of yourself without sacryfying your daily routine or morphing into someone else. Observe everything as a whole, be authentic, make mindful choices and live more naturally and you will find your happiness and life purpose.

10 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone An Explanation For

Have you ever been asked an intrusive, very personal or even rude question by a complete stranger and you didn’t know how to behave? I bet you did. Most of us are peaple pleasers and don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings but what about our feelings? In this post I write about 10 things and situations you don’t owe anyone an explanation for. If you feel the need to explain yourself go for it but if you don’t want to talk about your private things with strangers just don’t do it without feeling guilty afterward.

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