Tag: wellness weekend

9 Weekend Habits That Will Make You Successful In Achieving Goals.

If you don’t give yourself time to truly rest during your days off you will end up being overworked, feeling overwhelmed, and getting dangerously close to burnout. No amount of money or success is worth sacrificing your health, wellbeing, and personal life. And that will happen if you will continue to work on weekends instead of making time and space for rest. 

Weekends are meant to enjoy, truly rest, clear your mind for reduced stress, and recharge your internal batteries so that you can start your workweek feeling fresh, energized, and ready to smash your goals. So don’t let your work to stole your weekends, instead plan and organize some fun activities that will help you to truly rest and recharge your energy before Monday morning.

And by REST I mean, embracing 7 types of rest. Yeah, there are 7 types of rest, not just one. And if you want to learn more about the 7 types of rest, then continue to read here

Wellness Weekend Challenge: 10 Ways To Reset, Relax And Reboot.

Most of us can hardly find time to relax during the week. We’re too busy to navigate through our jam-packed schedule to be able to pause for a second to take a deep breath, let alone having a rest. And then suddenly it’s the weekend, but work fatigue, exhaustion and tiredness make us unable to relax even when given a chance. It’s time to change this negative life pattern! It’s time for a weekend wellness challenge!

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