Tag: breathing exercises

7 Self-Love Habits That Will Help You To Thrive During Difficult Times

To be able to even start thinking about cultivating self-love you need to redirect your focus from others to yourself. However, we’re not talking here about developing cynical self-centredness and become a self-absorbed, egotistic and selfish individual who cares only about themselves and doesn’t consider others. Because that would be extremely toxic and extremely harmful to one’s wellbeing.

What I mean instead is, that you should make yourself your number one priority. Not your ONLY priority but your number one priority. That’s the main difference between healthy self-interest and selfishness that many people seem to ignore.

Healthy egoism starts with self-reflection, self-awareness, discovering your personal core values and identifying your own needs. When you discover what makes you happy, satisfied and fulfilled you will be able to create intimate relationships with others. And isn’t it what we all want?

Morning Routine To Reduce Stress And Anxiety - Start Your Day With A Positive Mindset!

The secret to preventing yourself to feel stressed and anxious in the morning is to plan for an ultra-effective day the night before. This means that every single evening you should take some time to plan methodically, organize properly and schedule effectively your day for maximum productivity and optimal rest-breaks. Having it all planned out means being less stressed, more productive and mentally prepared for the new day. An effective plan will give you comfort, peace of mind and a sense that you’re doing the right thing. So every single evening take some time to create your schedule and make a powerful to-do list that will help you get through the next day in a productive and exciting way!

Mindful Money Management

5 steps to mindful money management. The Relationship Between Mindfulness And Money.
Understand Your Personal Relationship To Money. Set Financial Goals. Set Up Your Realistic Budget And Stick To It. Switch To “Mindful Spending” Mode. Start saving up. Use Financial Apps. Discipline your spending and saving, analyze your money habits, and build wealth over time

10 Simple Ways To Bring Mindfulness Into Your Life.

Living in this frantic world and playing by today’s society rules kill our ability to relax, to live the present moment and to experience the beauty and authenticity of here and now.So let’s stop for a second, take a deep breath and celebrate every single moment of our precious life. In this post I am sharing 10 simple ways to bring mindfulness into your daily life to helpyou live in a more authentic and fulfilling way.

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