Tag: budget

How To Plan A Successful Month In 8 Simple Steps.

The first month of 2021 has just passed. January 2021 officially passes into history. Now it’s time to plan, prepare and organize yourself for a successful February. Because success is not a coincidence but the result of effective planning, hard work, continuous effort, enormous sacrifice, persistence and unwavering self-belief in one’s ability to achieve their goals.

The Complete Guide To Stress-Free Trip - overcome your pre-travel anxiety and enjoy your holidays!

Coping with anxiety while traveling is quite challenging but it can be done in a healthy and effective way. Where a “healthy way” means not using alcohol, sedatives or any other drugs of choice to numb your emotions. Of course, if you are already on therapy because of your anxiety disorder and you were prescribed anti-anxiety meds it’s a completely different discourse.

Italy On A Budget - Best Tricks to Experience Luxury Travel on a Budget Trip

What springs to mind when you think about traveling in Italy? Well, let me guess… beautiful art-filled cities, gorgeous landscapes, majestic beaches with perfect sand and delicious authentic Italian food? If that’s your answer, you’re certainly right! Well, without any doubt Italy is the perfect choice for a memorable and spectacular holiday. But if you want to travel to Italy on a budget you have to choose the places you want to go wisely. Don’t fall for every tourist attraction because it will cost you an insane amount of money.

Let’s face it you don’t need to visit every museum, buy a thousand souvenirs, eat at top 5 Michelin-starred restaurants or Explore the waterways of Venice on a gondola ride to have an authentic and memorable Italian experience.

Become A More Mindful Shopper And Save Money! - powerful tips & call to action

Mindful spending means having control over your spending and make rational purchases. Let’s face it, the temptation is everywhere. Advertising manipulates our purchase choices and spending habits just like marketers compete to create artificial needs that have to be fulfilled immediately and at any costs which only encourages us to mindlessly spend our money. The easiest way to avoid that is to take a deep breath, think about if you really need this product or service and how it will make your life easier and more comfortable. And then ask yourself if you really want to buy it. Be attentive. Be in control.

Mindful Money Management

5 steps to mindful money management. The Relationship Between Mindfulness And Money.
Understand Your Personal Relationship To Money. Set Financial Goals. Set Up Your Realistic Budget And Stick To It. Switch To “Mindful Spending” Mode. Start saving up. Use Financial Apps. Discipline your spending and saving, analyze your money habits, and build wealth over time

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