Italy On A Budget - Best Tricks to Experience Luxury Travel on a Budget Trip

Italy On Budget – Best Tricks to Experience Luxury Travel on a Budget Trip

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Italy On Budget – Best Tricks to Experience Luxury Travel on a Budget Trip

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Reading this post you will learn:

    1. How to travel to Italy on budget
    2. How to save some money on your trip to Italy 
    3. How to get a beautiful and memorable Italian vacation for less of a cost

Traveling In Italy On Budget

So get ready, because I’m about to reveal some serious tips, tricks, and powerful hacks on how to experience luxury travel to Italy on a Budget trip - the same I gave my best friend couple of month ago when she was planning her first trip to Italy from Australia. And you know what? She spent a LOT LESS than she planned, and thus she could put some extra money on her next foreign trip. Sounds crazy, right?

So without any further ado, let’s get started!

Italy, without a doubt, has a lot to offer to the discerning tourists. Indeed the rich history, fascinating culture, spectacular art, insanely delicious food, breathtaking landscapes, fabulous weather, and wonderful people always open for any type of conversation makes this country a perfect travel destination. Just think about an infinite number of possibilities and a huge variety of attractions offered by the land of pasta and wine… Well, you won’t get bored here.

So if you’re currently planning your trip to this amazing and beautiful country prepare yourself for memorable and fabulous holidays! 

But how to plan and organize a trip to Italy on a budget?  

Well, to do that you will have to stick to some basic rules. But hey, don’t worry. We’re not talking here about some strict, boring rules that will make your trip another typical holiday experience but about essential steps to take in order to plan and organize an AFFORDABLE, MEMORABLE & SMART Travel to ITALY. Sounds like a great idea to me. 

So let’s plan and organize an affordable, spectacular, stress-free and cool vacation in Italy. Shall we?  

Travel Safe Travel Smart

7 insanely important things to consider before you depart:

    1. Safety first

You know what they say: Never know better safe than sorry. 

So no matter how long or short, near or far your trip is it’s always a great idea to 

    • purchase travel insurance
    • register your trip on Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
    • Keep both physical and digital copies of your passport, visa, driver’s license, health insurance card, and important contacts 

You really should do these three things before you land on one of the Italians airports. You know, just in case. You never know what might happen. Besides for some reason if you have travel insurance usually you don’t need to use it. I am not sure how that happens but if I had to guess I would say that it’s one of those crazy, spiritual laws of the Universe that we learn all our life.  


    1. Budget - a smart one

Travel budget is a must for everyone especially if we’re talking about traveling to the land of wine and pasta. Italy with its beautiful art-filled cities, gorgeous landscapes, majestic beaches with perfect sand and delicious food is definitely not the cheapest country to explore. So if you want to enjoy a fabulous trip to Italy without constantly worrying the final cost of your travel experience make an effective budget before you buy your flight tickets. 

Budgeting is a must especially in terms of planning and organizing a trip to a foreign country.  Besides, knowing how much you are going to spend makes it easier to plan your travel itinerary in advance and avoid travel anxiety (post about how to overcome travel anxiety here) and some unpleasant surprises

My Advice: use TrailWallet APP to Manage your expenditures

Download TrailWallet APP here: 


    1. Money Exchange

If you don’t live in the Eurozone you will need to exchange your money at least you want to pay for anything by your credit card but it can be inconvenient for two main reasons. The first reason is that currency exchange fees can be extremely costly and the second one is that even if credit cards are accepted at most major attractions and stores in many places card payments are not accepted for a bill under €10 not to mention paying one euro for a coffee in a bar or using a public toilet.  

My Advice: Get foreign currency (Euro) at an ATM or local bank and avoid currency exchange bureaus in airports or shopping areas because they charge A LOT!

Download XE Currency App here: 


    1. Plan Your Itinerary In Advance 

Planning everything in advance from budget to sightseeing will help you to enjoy your trip and make the most of your authentic Italian experience. Plus you will avoid travel anxiety, needless spendings, and other unpleasant surprises. So plan your perfect Italian trip itinerary starting with making your Italian Bucket list and creating an effective budget

My Advice: Use travel App (post about best & FREE travel Apps here) & download offline maps 


    1. The Language Barrier

The official language of Italy is Italian. While many people do speak English, it’s not a norm, especially in small countryside towns. So before you go on your Italian trip download translation apps here and you will avoid being lost in translation. 


    1. Basic Medications 

It’s actually one of the most important things to remember. You don’t want to spend your holidays in Italy falling sick without your basic medications and take some different meds prescribed by a doctor you’ never met before. To avoid that, take your basic medications with you along with painkillers, anti-allergic and indigestion medication you’ve tested before, just in case.


    1. Internet Connection 

While public Wi-Fi is accessible in Italy in the main cities, such as Milan, Rome, Venice, and Florence it’s not a norm especially if you’re want to spend some time in small towns and countryside villages. So if you planning your trip to Italy and you’re wondering how to get your free wifi here are your options:

Specific Free Wifi Hotspots - free wifi connection sponsored by the local municipality accessible in various hot spot locations around main cities such as Milan Rome, Venice, and Florence


Find free wifi hotspots on these websites:

    • Wi-Fi in hotels, hostels and sometimes in Airbnb apartments
    • Wi-Fi in restaurants, cafes, bars and fast food places like McDonald’s
    • Wifi points provided by the post office (Poste Italiane) - FAQ PosteWi-Fi
    • An Italian SIM card - to get your own Italian SIM card you need to go to one of the phone retailers (TIM, WIND, 3) with your ID, your ‘codice fiscale’ - an Italian version of a national insurance or social security number and your local address. 
    • My Advice: Buy a little portable WiFi router and get by with Internet calling apps like Skype or WhatsApp


How To Save Your Money While Traveling In Italy

5 spending categories to focus on:

1. Transportation

    • Make savings on airline flights

We all know how costly flights ticket can really be especially if fly between continents but if you are flexible in terms of the time you travel to Italy and the route that you take you can save a significant amount of money. 

The easiest way to find cheap flights is through these APPS

SKYSCANNER download app here
KAYAK download app here 

    • Use Public Transportation

The public transportation network in Italy is widely available, well-organized and quite affordable. Getting around larger cities like Milan, Rome, Turin or Naples can be done by Metro, bus or tram and in smaller cities, you can get anywhere you want by a public bus. Tickets are also quite cheap and can be purchased online, from a tabaccaio, ticket booths or dispensing machines. So instead of paying lots of money for a taxi take a bus!

If you want to travel and get around Italy, the best option is to go by train just like locals do. Traveling by train is easy, extremely convenient and relatively cheap if we compare train ticket prices in Italy to other European countries. So if you want to visit Milan, Venice, Turin, Rome, and Naples during your 7-day trip to Italy, it’s totally doable by TRAIN! All you have to do is to purchase your train tickets ONLINE 

Italian Railways Companies:

Trenitalia (Ferrovie Dello Stato) - the primary train operator in Italy -

Italo Treno (ITALO Railway Company) - a competing high-speed service to Trenitalia

My advice: 

Buying train ticket online in advance can save a lot of money

Every ticket except an electronic-type ticket (the one that you purchase online) must be validated otherwise you will have to pay a fine. 

    • Use a bicycle-sharing system

 Download the App, sign in to the service, choose the method of payment, unlock a bike, use it and put it back in any station (“dock”) when you’re done. It’s an easy, practical and ecological system that help you to save lots of money on transportation while you travel around the city. Besides cycling to your destination may be way faster and easier than taking a bus. You can sign up to the bicycle-sharing system through these websites:

    • Explore city centers on foot 

Let me tell you something. If you’re coming to Italy you’ll be walking a lot. So pack a comfortable pair of shoes, download offline maps and prepare yourself for discovering beautiful architecture and inspiring history of Italy on foot. But don’t worry. Italian cities are very foot-friendly and there’s no better way to explore the historical city center of Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice, Bologna, Florence and Naples than by foot. Besides a walking tour is a great opportunity to take unique pictures to capture magical places and hidden spots accessible only on foot. Not to mention that you design your tour! You don’t have to follow the steps of other tourists and go only to the most crowded spots, just to take a photo and post in on your Instagram. Instead, you can feel less like a tourist and more like a local! 

2. Accommodation

Well, accommodation is definitely one of those things we all stress out about when comes to travel to a foreign country. But if you are currently planning your trip to Italy don’t worry because there are some great and affordable accommodation options that you can choose from. In my personal opinion, the best option for budget travelers is to use Airbnb here because it offers relatively inexpensive accommodations usually with wi-fi, television, air conditioning and kitchen (you will need it for your food preparation!) at your disposal. 

My advice: Find an Airbnb with wi-fi and kitchen situated near to a metro station or a bus stop. 

If you looking for something even cheaper than Airbnb here sign up to the Couchsurfing here service and find free places to stay in Italy and stay with the local. So if you want to save money while traveling in Italy, have an authentic experience and make local friends you will not find a better option than Couchsurfing. 

Of course like in any other European country, in Italy you will find a huge range of hostels, hotels and bed and breakfast on a budget if you choose to stay outside of major cities.


My advice:

If you want to save money on accommodation in Italy just stay outside the city center and avoid the busiest and most popular areas that all tourists go because it is going to cost you a lot of money, time and stress.

3. Food

Have you ever met anyone who really doesn’t like Italian food? I bet you haven’t. Italy is foodie heaven and no one who ever tasted real, authentic, traditional Italian dishes would say otherwise. That’s the fact. Italian cuisine is like an art characterized by simplicity, integrity, and harmony. So if you are currently packing for Italy prepare yourself for a real a feast for the palate. 

The only thing that you will probably extremely dislike in an authentic Italian cuisine prepared and served in the Italian Peninsula is that you won’t be able to try everything for two reasons in particular: firstly, because every Italian region has its own distinctive cuisine characterized by different specialities and finest seasonal delicacies which means that the variety of food options will probably give you a head rush and secondly, you’d have to break the bank to afford million delicious dishes during your trip to Italy

But don’t worry! Here are my powerful tips on how to eat a lot in Italy without going in debt!!

My Advice: 

    • Try delicious and authentic Italian dishes in local restaurants outside city centres, finance districts, and Top-Rated Tourist Attractions
    • Dine like a local or dine with a local - dine and taste authentic local dishes with a local - you can book an authentic food experience with locals using an app Travello - here or Couchsurfing - here or through a website like EatWith - here 
    • Be selective with your food choices and look for special prices on TripAdvisor, Foodguide, Eat Italy, Zoomato, Groupon 
    • Shop for your own groceries at the local market or in a supermarket and make your own food (you can buy free pasta, delicious wine, fresh fruits and veggies, Italian pastry and anything you want for affordable prices) 
    • Drink your coffee standing at the bar and you won’t pay a service charge - read about Italian coffee culture here 
    • Embrace the Aperitivo tradition - Aperitivo is a pre-dinner light snack usually eaten around 5 p.m. and accompanied by a glass of wine or a classic Italian drink like Campari or Aperol. Or more precisely you pay for a drink and the food is included. But when I say food I mean delicious and local specialities
    • Try street food (insanely delicious and much cheaper than in restaurant) - every Italian region has its own street food specialities that you can try for a low price such as delicious Piadina Romagnola, pizza Napoletana, Panini with Parma Ham, Arancini (Fried Rice Balls), Pizzette, Focaccia, Calzoni, Italian Pastry, Gelato and whatever you can imagine

Check out my post about Best FREE Travel Apps here

4. Sightseeing

What springs to mind when you think about traveling in Italy? Well, let me guess…  beautiful art-filled cities, gorgeous landscapes, majestic beaches with perfect sand and delicious authentic Italian food? If that’s your answer, you’re certainly right! Well, without any doubt Italy is the perfect choice for a memorable and spectacular holiday. But if you want to travel to Italy on a budget you have to choose the places you want to go wisely. Don’t fall for every tourist attraction because it will cost you an insane amount of money. 

Let’s face it you don’t need to visit every museum, buy a thousand souvenirs, eat at top 5 Michelin-starred restaurants or Explore the waterways of Venice on a gondola ride to have an authentic and memorable Italian experience. 

Among the top tourist attractions and things to do in Italy, there are many BUDGET activities you can really enjoy. 

    • go on a walking tour and explore beautiful art-filled Italian cities
    • visit iconic churches and cathedrals 
    • experience the magic of outdoor concerts or open-air cinema
    • visit museums on a free entrance day (BELOW) 
    • enjoy beautiful landscapes 
    • relax on majestic beaches with perfect sand 
    • and try some local food in non-touristy places 

Don’t forget about Airbnb experiences HERE

Airbnb Experiences are unique activities designed and led by inspiring locals. They, not just typical tours or a random event but your chance to have an unforgettable experience for a very low price. You can save money and do something authentic. So it’s a win-win situation.

So tell me, do you want to go on a cultural walk in Florence, learn some unconventional photography in Rome techniques, learn to make fresh pasta like an Italian grandma in Bologna, find the most instagrammable posts in Milan, discover the secrets of Parmigiano Reggiano in Modena or have a Lake Como adventure? If you answered yes, I have great news! You can do all of that, just explore Airbnb experiences website and find your experience!   

Download Your FREE Printable Travel Checklist, Bucketlist & Organizer!

5. Tickets

Did you know that most of the museum, cultural places, and tourist attractions offer free entrance days at least once a month and reduced tickets throughout the week? Yes, it’s true! 

So don’t forget to do your online research and look for special offers in advance and visit museums, monuments, archaeological sites, palaces, and monumental gardens in Italy for free or on a reduced ticket


Explore these websites to find out MORE:


  • Free entrance to Italian State museums on the first Sunday of the month (from October to March)
  • Free entrance to Vatican Museums on every last Sunday of the month


  • 8 additional days of free entrance to the state museums (managed independently by individuals Directors of the State Museums)
  • Buy an all-inclusive city-pass:

Milano Card

Verona Card


Venezia Unica City Pass

Firenze card

Bologna Welcome Card



Do You Want To Experience Luxury Travel on a Budget Trip With a Smart Travel Super Bundle 2019?

What is an Ultimate Bundle?

Ultimate Bundles is a company that gathers together the best the best digital learning products and tools on different topics (blogging, travel, health, fitness, homemaking, photography, money management, productivity & more) from content creators out there and  sells them under heavily discounted prices (usually it’s over 90%) for a few days. 

A collection of digital products (ebooks, printables, online courses, and bonuses) on a specific topic is called “an ultimate bundle” and it is usually available for a short time at a ridiculously discounted price. So as you can see it’s a crazy deal! 

Honestly is one of my favorite companies because it delivers high-quality digital products for a steeply discounted price and has an extremely caring customer service that ALWAYS responds to the emails. But what I probably love the most about this company is that Ultimate Bundle provides a 30-day happiness guarantee which basically means that if you’re not 100% happy for your purchase, you just email them and you get a refund. 

What is Smart Travel Super Bundle 2019?

It’s a COLLECTION of digital learning products and tools on how to make any TRAVEL more affordable on a RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE.  

What You Can Expect From Smart Travel Super Bundle 2019?

Best resources on traveling on a budget with a positive mindset on a heavily discounted price. 


What’s included?

    • 13 eBooks
    • 10 eCourses
    • 5 printable packs
    • 2 workbooks




4 bonuses worth $72.49 that include

FREE Skin Care Travel Items from MadeOn Skin Care, $16.50 value

FREE pack of travel size items from Puro Co, $15 value

FREE 2oz bottle of Digest-Support Herbal Supplement, $15.99 value

$25 Credit to SaneBox, $25 value


Value: 30 products worth $1286.58

Price: $47.00

Who is it for?

This collection of digital products and tools is for budget travelers who want to experience luxury travel on a budget trip consists of digital products divided into categories:

  • Camping, RV & Road Trips (7 products worth $547.92)
  • Family Travel (7 products worth $216.44)           
  • Making Travel Affordable (6 products worth $276.98)
  • Mindset (4 products worth $70.25)
  • Planning & Packing (6 products worth $174.99)


Is It Really Worth$47?

I mean $47 is usually the price on ONE ebook. While in this bundle you have a collection of 13 eBooks, 10 eCourses, 5 printable packs & 2 workbooks. So even if you’re interested only in a few of the products, it’s still a great deal. 

I don’t know about you, but for me buying all of these digital products on travel individually would not be economically feasible. Especially considering the fact that we are talking here about digital products on one specific topic. 

30-day happiness guarantee

If you think about buying Smart Travel Super Bundle BUT you’re not 100% sure, I have great news! 

The Ultimate Bundles Company provides a 30-day happiness guarantee which means that if you buy a bundle and you are not 100% happy with your purchase, just email their customer service within 30 days and they will get a 100% refund.


Resources I love the most:


An Intentional Travelers Guide to Unconventional Budget Accommodations (eBook) by Michelle Chang $5.99
This book will help you crack the code to meaningful, impactful and low-cost trips by tackling one of the biggest trip expenses: lodging.


Finance Your Detour: A Budgeting Program to Help You Travel More (eCourse) by Dan & Lindsay McKenzie 
A budgeting program and tool that teaches the same strategies and budgeting process that allowed them to pay off debt, build a financial runway, and travel full-time.


The Affordable Flight Guide: How to Find Cheap Airline Tickets and See the World on a Budget (eBook) by Jen Ruiz
A how-to guide for finding cheap flights.


Overcome Travel Anxiety (eBook) by Lauren Juliff 
Will help you eliminate anxiety from your life, give you the confidence to start planning an adventure, and support you as you take steps outside your comfort zone in order to explore the world.


How to Plan a Trip (eBook) by Christen Nicole 
Provides clear and actionable steps to plan the perfect vacation in 12 simple steps.


Stay Positive

Be Mindful

And Travel Smart!

xo Kate

travel italy on a budget

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travel italy on a budget

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2 thoughts on “Italy On A Budget - Best Tricks to Experience Luxury Travel on a Budget Trip

  1. Wow, this is fantastic! You’ve given so many useful tips and services to check out, making your post a priceless resource for saving money. It’s great that there are lots of apps out there now too, like for currency exchange and finding wifi spots, so those are handy to know about. Brilliant post, Kate!
    Caz xx

    1. “You’re not depressed, you just need a vacation in Italy” - that was the exact words of my friend I was talking about at the beginning of this post. She has suffered from depression for about 5 years so she knew what she was talking about 😁 It was really nice to watch her be happy, relaxed and calm during her stay. Sometimes you just need to go on a trip even a short one to distract from your everyday problems and gain a completely new perspective. Because even a couple of hours spent in a different environment can do wonders to your mental and physical health. That’s why I love one-day extremely economic trips so much. Changing the environment just for one day can really change (improve) everything… I guess, sometimes you’re just too close to something to see it clearly…
      That care Caz! And as always, THANK you for your positive feedback!!! Have a wonderful day!

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Hey, I’m Kate. I create content about a holistic approach to a meaningful life. On this platform, you will find resources on reaching YOUR goalstime management,  personal growth, & living your best life. 

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