Tag: calm

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Deal With Stress And Anxiety In Difficult Times

Given the chaos of the moment, it is a real challenge for everyone I know to stay focus on what really matters. Because watching the news and listening to journalists that spread panic like fuel on a fire, seems much more engaging but at the same time, it’s completely unproductive. It’s easy to focus on what’s wrong. But when you press through and focus on the things you can control you’re not worried anymore about the things you can’t.

This may come as a surprise to you but one of those things that you can control is the level of your stress. Of course, I am not saying that you should not be worried or scared because honestly, I don’t think it would be possible. We’re all stressed, anxious and worried to some extent and it’s completely normal given our current circumstances. But there are some things you can do on a daily basis to manage your stress and focus on what you can control. And here they are:

The Complete Guide To Stress-Free Trip - overcome your pre-travel anxiety and enjoy your holidays!

Coping with anxiety while traveling is quite challenging but it can be done in a healthy and effective way. Where a “healthy way” means not using alcohol, sedatives or any other drugs of choice to numb your emotions. Of course, if you are already on therapy because of your anxiety disorder and you were prescribed anti-anxiety meds it’s a completely different discourse.

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