Tag: challenge yourself

How To Plan Your Month For Success: 5 Simple Productivity And Planning Hacks.

Planning is indispensable if you want to achieve your goals, step into that next version of yourself and upgrade the results in every area of your life.  

Having a well-designed a well-thought-out plan will help you to avoid decision fatigue, take control of your focus and get that (annoying) stuff done that you should have done a long time ago but procrastination took over your life. 

Success is never a coincidence but the result of effective planning, smart (hard) work, continuous effort, self-discipline, persistence and unwavering self-belief in one’s ability to achieve their goals.

Achievements have to be planned, goals need to be set and action has to be taken in order to get closer to your dream life. So, take a piece of paper and a pen because you’ve got an exciting month to plan. And to help you with that here are the 5-step formula to plan a successful month!

How To Profoundly Change Your Life For The Better: 5 Simple Steps.

Every change starts with a conscious decision to challenge the status quo that doesn’t make you fulfilled and content anymore. You are frustrated with the current circumstances in life. The sense of dissatisfaction is only growing and you feel deep inside that you can thrive in life, not just survive You feel you’re meant for something bigger on this planet. So you make a decision to change your life to feel fully fulfilled, happy and content. And the whole process of personal transformation begins…

11 Powerful Habits That Will Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever.

“Focus equals power” and living with intention is, without doubt, is the easiest way to use this power to turn your life into a masterpiece. So stop wasting your time, energy and attention on things that don’t bring value to your life and focus on what’s truly matters. Make a focused list of what you want to achieve, experience and do in 2021 and plan on how you’re going to accomplish that. Be specific. Be intentional. Control your focus and become the master of your fate.  

7 Self-Love Habits That Will Help You To Thrive During Difficult Times

To be able to even start thinking about cultivating self-love you need to redirect your focus from others to yourself. However, we’re not talking here about developing cynical self-centredness and become a self-absorbed, egotistic and selfish individual who cares only about themselves and doesn’t consider others. Because that would be extremely toxic and extremely harmful to one’s wellbeing.

What I mean instead is, that you should make yourself your number one priority. Not your ONLY priority but your number one priority. That’s the main difference between healthy self-interest and selfishness that many people seem to ignore.

Healthy egoism starts with self-reflection, self-awareness, discovering your personal core values and identifying your own needs. When you discover what makes you happy, satisfied and fulfilled you will be able to create intimate relationships with others. And isn’t it what we all want?

How To Deal With Fear Successfully: 6 Steps

Fear is just an emotion. And like any other emotion, it can build up if you indulge in it or it can drop in intensity if you use it to your advantage. It’s all a matter of choice and all the choices are yours. But to be able to make the best possible choices you need two things; knowledge and strategic approach. Without it, you will not be able to understand what message your FEAR has to offer to you. Because there is always a reason why you’re scared. You just need to figure out that reason. Just like any other emotion fear provides valuable information to you, a coded message that you need to understand.

How To Become Mentally Strong Within 1 Month: 30-Day Mental Wellness Challenge That Will Help You Build Resilience, Boost Mood, And Strengthen Your Mental Health.

Everything starts in your head. Being pessimistic, obsessing over worst-case scenarios and fueling negative self-talk it’s kind of easy especially when things don’t go according to plan and everything seems to be falling apart. At the same time staying positive, not looking for excuses and finding opportunity in difficult times seems to be a real challenge that only the bravest can take. But is this really that hard to build strong mental health? Is positive mental attitude innate or can it be acquired? Can we train our brains like any other muscle? If you ask me, not only do I believe that building strong mental health is quite simple, I also think that a positive mental attitude is a skill that requires training and practice. Oh, um, gosh, I almost forgot about the third questions! Of course, I think that brain is like a muscle. Furthermore, I think that its potential is limitless. However, it is up to each of us individually to train our brains to be stronger, smarter and sharper. But if you are interested in taking 30-day mental wellness challenge that will help you boost your mood, build resilience and strengthen your mental health, you’ve come to the right place! Because it’s exactly what we will do today! So without further ado, let’s dive in!

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