Tag: create your reality

7 Powerful Mindset Shifts To End 2020 Strong And Start 2021 The Right Way.

2020. A year of chaos. A year of contrasts. A year of lost expectations. A year of new opportunities. A year of personal transformation. A year of social movements. A year of taking responsibility for your own life and the future of the whole society. A year of major changes. A year of losing and regaining control. A year of great spiritual awakening. 

2020 has changed everything. Our perception of time. Our idea of modern society. Our understanding of prosperity. Our habits. Our attitude. Our way of thinking. 

If there had never been 2020 we would never even take into consideration to rethink our perspective on life. 

The end of 2020 is our time to fully choose who we truly are and in what direction we want to go as individuals and as a society. 

The time has come to rethink your choices, reanalyze your actions, break from traditional paths, reshape your life and redefine the relation between individual and society. 

2020 is our undeniable chance to build a better world for us as a human race. 

Simple Technique to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts and Calm Your Anxious Mind.

So you’re just chilling with your friends trying to figure out where should you eat your lunch and then boom! Your brain switched mode from “keep calm and relax” to “unwanted intrusive thoughts”. Obsessive thoughts just pop up in your head triggering an anxiety attack and you just can’t understand what happened. Only moments ago, you were so calm, relaxed and totally unaware of what would happen next… And now you find yourself unable to understand the situation you found yourself in.

5 Steps For Turning Your Pain Into Wisdom. - Your Pain Does NOT Define You - But How You Deal With It Does.

Accept your pain and it will hurt less. Trust me, I know how it sounds. But the truth is when you keep resisting or fighting your true reality you cause more suffering to yourself. And let me tell you something, it’s not what you need when life is tearing you apart.
Accept your current reality and focus on what you can do in the present moment to make it easier to get through. Accept your pain and it will become “only” a part of your life, not your whole life. Because living a painful life and living with pain are two very different things. The first option, if we can call it that, is living in the mental prison of your own creation, while the second option is accepting that pain is necessary for growth and success.

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