Tag: decision-making process

Top 8 Skillshare Classes On Financial Wellness And Workplace Productivity That Will Change Your Life.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” This famous quote of Benjamin Franklin fits perfectly our current circumstances especially if you consider the zero-interest-rate policy and rising inflation that we experiencing right now. If we want to keep our money from losing purchasing power we need to take the necessary and appropriate action. But before we do it, we need to gain knowledge. And what better way to do that than by taking online courses on Skillshare? 

11 Powerful Habits That Will Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever.

“Focus equals power” and living with intention is, without doubt, is the easiest way to use this power to turn your life into a masterpiece. So stop wasting your time, energy and attention on things that don’t bring value to your life and focus on what’s truly matters. Make a focused list of what you want to achieve, experience and do in 2021 and plan on how you’re going to accomplish that. Be specific. Be intentional. Control your focus and become the master of your fate.  

The Very Reason Why You Should ALWAYS Listen To Your Gut Instinct - the sound of your inner voice.

When we want to take a decision we usually rely on our critical and logical thinking completely forgetting about our sixth sense - our intuition. Some call it “gut feeling” or “gut instinct”, I like to call it my the sound of my inner voice. Our intuition is a precognitive knowledge that helps us make decisions, avoid danger and live in a more authentic way. In other words, “gut instinct” is our best life guidance. Of course the best way to make a conscious decision is to combine gut instinct with critical and logical thinking. So be mindful, listen to your gut and use your logical reasoning and you should be fine.

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