Tag: skillshare

Top 8 Skillshare Classes On Financial Wellness And Workplace Productivity That Will Change Your Life.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” This famous quote of Benjamin Franklin fits perfectly our current circumstances especially if you consider the zero-interest-rate policy and rising inflation that we experiencing right now. If we want to keep our money from losing purchasing power we need to take the necessary and appropriate action. But before we do it, we need to gain knowledge. And what better way to do that than by taking online courses on Skillshare? 

12 Mini Routines (Systems) To Improve Your Life Satisfaction, Boost Your Health & Accelerate Your Growth.

“We are, all of us, creatures of habit, and when the seeming necessity for schooling ourselves in new ways ceases to exist, we fall naturally and easily into the manner and customs which long usage has implanted ineradicably within us.” 

This famous quote by Edgar Rice Burroughs perfectly illustrates that what we practice we become. And if we want to become successful and live our best life we need to master successful habits and stay away from those that block our progress. That’s why in today’s post I’m sharing with you 12 powerful mini-routines that have the potential to drastically change your life, accelerate your success and boost your daily happiness!

6 Powerful Steps To Boost Your Career In 2021

Whether you have a steady 9 to 5 job that you like or you’re building your own brand, improving your career prospects should always be one of your top priorities in life. Focusing on doing your job well is crucial if you want to be seen as a person with a strong work ethic. But keeping your professional development continuous is even more important for at least two reasons.

First, we can never predict how the economy will work, therefore having more options provides a guarantee for a financially stable future. And the second reason why you should give your career a boost is that “progress equals happiness, more opportunities, more money and more stability in life. And isn’t that what we all search for?

11 Simple Ways To Develop Self-Discipline & Have Fun Along The Way.

If you want to increase your own chances of success and let your primal genius shine you need to focus on mastering self-discipline. This ability to control yourself will not only enable you to do high-quality work even when you’re tired but also it will help you to stay focused on your goals even in those days when you struggle with motivation. And to help you with developing rock-solid self-discipline here are 11 fun, creative and inspiring ways to do that.

11 Powerful Habits That Will Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever.

“Focus equals power” and living with intention is, without doubt, is the easiest way to use this power to turn your life into a masterpiece. So stop wasting your time, energy and attention on things that don’t bring value to your life and focus on what’s truly matters. Make a focused list of what you want to achieve, experience and do in 2021 and plan on how you’re going to accomplish that. Be specific. Be intentional. Control your focus and become the master of your fate.  

How To Enjoy Time Alone: 10 Creative Self-Care Ideas To Maximize Your “Me Time”.

Before the Pandemic hit, most of us could hardly find time in the day to rest, not to mention having a life outside work. We were always on the run, desperately trying to manage our busy schedules completely neglecting the most important things in our lives – our health, our family, our friends and our relationship with ourselves. Everything was the top priority except our health and wellbeing. Not to mention spending time alone in the safety of our homes… Well, that was rare.

15 Positive Ways to Self-Care During Difficult Times

We are living in extremely stressful and chaotic times, which means that we need to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally to be able to make sense out of this chaos that surrounds us. One of the best ways to achieve this strength is by taking good care of your physical health and mental wellbeing. Most of us know that we should prioritize self-care but when it comes to practising it suddenly it turns out that we are too busy. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are incredibly overloaded by insane amounts of information that is impossible to memorize or even process. And I don’t know about you, but news has never made me so anxious before. I start thinking that “Headline stress disorder” is a real thing. And I am not kidding. Yes, this is a terrifying, frightening time for everyone but instead of giving in to the fear and panic, we should do our best to stay calm and safe. And what better way to do that if not by making more time for practising self-care and self-reflection?

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