Tag: the power of mind

The Power Of Letting Go - Instagram Filters Are Not Working In Real Life…

We create our storytelling that directly affects our state of mind and personal well-being. Which basically means that stories and narratives we make up to describe what we perceive through our five senses can trigger pleasant emotions like joy or happiness or unpleasant emotions like anger, fear or sadness. As pleasant emotions tend to do no harm even if they have nothing to do with the real situation (the present moment) the trouble starts when your dramatic storytelling causes negative emotions that create suffering that wasn’t even there at the beginning. Sounds crazy right?

Mindfulness - The art of savoring the present moment.

Mindfulness means acceptance. Being mindful means this particular use of attention and awareness on purpose with the goal of experiencing the authenticity of the present moment. It’s a personal journey to learn the mystery of human life. It’s a path we choose to understand the real meaning of human existence. And finally, mindfulness it’s the way to connect with your higher self. A particular state of consciousness that can change your life forever. This is the mystical experience of absolute trust and radical acceptance.

The Very Reason Why You Should ALWAYS Listen To Your Gut Instinct - the sound of your inner voice.

When we want to take a decision we usually rely on our critical and logical thinking completely forgetting about our sixth sense - our intuition. Some call it “gut feeling” or “gut instinct”, I like to call it my the sound of my inner voice. Our intuition is a precognitive knowledge that helps us make decisions, avoid danger and live in a more authentic way. In other words, “gut instinct” is our best life guidance. Of course the best way to make a conscious decision is to combine gut instinct with critical and logical thinking. So be mindful, listen to your gut and use your logical reasoning and you should be fine.

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