Tag: workout

How to Manage Christmas When You Suffer from Anxiety Disorder.

Whether you’re preparing for a significant life change or you’re just trying to survive a busy day without causing excessive stress, having a good plan will make everything much easier and less overwhelming. First of all, planning and preparing will make you feel powerful and in control of the whole situation. Secondly, you will overcome your fear of the unknown before it even comes to you. And finally, you will be able to manage your time wisely by eliminating unnecessary decisions and unhealthy habits. So, as you can see taking some time for planning and preparing it’s always a good idea especially if we’re talking about dealing with anxiety at Christmas. 

8 Simple Ways to Live a More Active Lifestyle.

What’s your excuse for not working out? Are you too tired? You can’t afford a gym membership? You’re struggle with motivation? Or maybe you’re too busy to work out. Well, me too. Or I should probably say I was too busy to work out until I optimized my daily routine, removed all unnecessary activities from my schedule and made space for my daily psysical activity. I build a workout routine that I love and now I don’t have any excuses for not working out. And you know what? Since then I am healthier, happier and my posture drastically improved. Thank goodness… I was beginning to look more like homo computerus than a typical homo sapiens. 

It’s not a secret that sedetary lifestyle is literally killing us. Physical inactivity has been scientifically proven to be a leading cause for many chronic or even terminal diseases. So why risk so much? 

We’re not designed to sit in front of the computer all day every day. Physical inactivity makes us anxious, depressed, obese and just sick. 

Have you ever noticed how good and energetic even a little physical activity makes you feel? It’s because during exercise our body releases endorphins and increases dopamine and serotonin levels. This magic trio made up of your natural happy chemicals is all you need to activate your happiness mode. Furthermore, regular workouts boost your energy levels, reduces stress, increases self-esteem and keep you fit (not to be confused with “being skinny). Need I say more? So instead of looking for an excuse to skip your workout think how great you will feel afterward and hit the gym, go for a walk or do a full body workout at home. Avoid sedetary lifestyle at all costs. Optimize your schedule, improve your daily rotuine and make space for more physical activity! 

Simple But Powerful Self-Care Tips for Solid Mental Health - be your own therapist

We like to think of ‘mind’ and ‘body’ as two separate entities with no connection between them. But when it comes to health this way of thinking can lead to a misconception. But
mental health and physical health are closely linked and you should value your mental and physical wellbeing equally. Because if you focus only on building a strong body completely ignoring your mental health you will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The 20 Most Unexpected Benefits of Anxiety

Regardless of the symptoms, causes and diagnosis every person perceives anxiety differently. Everyone experience is different, unique and personal. Anxiety does not define a person. Nor other mental or physical issues do. We should never forget about this. We tend to judge, label, criticize, stigmatize others so easily, mindlessly and carelessly. We should stop doing this, seriously. This post is about unexpected benefits of anxiety.

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