Category: Lifestyle

The Art Of Being Unbothered: 5 Simple Ways To Stop Worrying About Things That Don’t Matter.

Our fear of other people’s opinions is self-created, or more precisely self-invented and completely imaginary. It’s not real. But it can be perceived as a real thread. So how can we protect ourselves from others’ negative energy? Well, by practicing the art of being unbothered. And to help you with that here are 5 simple ways to stop worrying and carrying about things that don’t matter.

How to Make Better Decisions: 9 Simple Steps.

Which is better logic or intuition? Critical thinking or intuitive thinking? Pure logic or gut instinct? Who makes better decisions; those who rely on logic alone or those who believe that their gut instinct is enough to make every life decision. What’s a better approach to make the right decisions?

Well, if you ask me I do believe that the best approach to the decision-making process is a mix of emotion and cognition. Because only if you combine critical thinking with emotional intelligence you can be sure that you’re minimizing your biases when making decisions.

Essentialism - How To Do Less And Get Better Results.

The concept of Essentialism also called the power of less or the art of prioritizing basically means doing more of what is important to you and cutting out of what isn’t. It’s the ultimate solution to the problem of running gout of time. When you look at it objectively, there is no such thing as too little time. It’s all about how you use your time.  If you think that you could make better use of your time, focus on your top priorities and create a life with substance this post is for you! Because I am about to share with you my tips to apply essentialism to your daily life in order to achieve true greatness (and peace of mind).

My Top 10 Must-Haves for Living a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle

As you already know this month we are focusing on making financial health pivots, embracing the frugal lifestyle and getting into a habit of saving more money. So if you thought that after a series of posts about being intentional with money we are getting out of the money-saving mindset, that’s not the case. This post about the top must-haves for living a healthy and balanced life fits perfectly into the theme of our February series because living a frugal life and being financially stable does not mean giving up everything you love but practicing money consciousness. Because whether you’re starting a new diet or you’re trying to improve your financial situation it’s all about moderation, not deprivation. You cannot deprive yourself of everything you love because it will make you utterly unhappy and unsatisfied with your life. And that’s a prescription for a negative future… so let’s avoid that! Prioritizing your life and changing focus to quality over quantity seems to be a much better option. So without any further ado let’s get into today’s topic. Here are my top 10 (categories) must-haves for a healthy and balanced life. 

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