Category: Mental Health

Everything Starts In Your Head - 12 Healthy Rules For a Strong Mental Health.

Everything starts in your head. If you want to transform your life you need to focus on your mental wellbeing first, then you can reach your full potential and abilities. Hard work is not enough to succeed. So if you place the main focus on being productive and self-motivated while you’re ignoring your mental health you won’t be able to reach your long-term goals. These two ingredients are extremely important but not enough to create a life that you want. To be able to tap into your full potential and gain the most of this crazy journey we call life you need to build and maintain strong mental health.

The Complete Guide To Stress-Free Trip - overcome your pre-travel anxiety and enjoy your holidays!

Coping with anxiety while traveling is quite challenging but it can be done in a healthy and effective way. Where a “healthy way” means not using alcohol, sedatives or any other drugs of choice to numb your emotions. Of course, if you are already on therapy because of your anxiety disorder and you were prescribed anti-anxiety meds it’s a completely different discourse.

23 Ways To Support Your Friend Or Relative With Their Mental Health

How To Support A Person With Mental Illness

10 Powerful Tips To Survive An Emotional Breakdown - Finding Hope In The Face Of Personal Tragedy.

Disclaimer <strong><u data-rich-text-format-boundary=”true”>Please always remember that there is no quick fix for any mental health issue. In order to overcome it, you have to address your problem and ask for help a mental health professional. There are many mental health institutions where you can find professional support. Suffering in secret…

10 Things I Do When Depression Hits Me Hard - Serious Tips, Tricks And Healthy Hacks!

Dealing with severe depression is extremely hard but possibile if you have a good and effective plan. In this post I write about things I do when depression hits me so hard that even getting up from bed seems to be impossible. Here are my tips for all those who are struggling with depression, unvanted thoughts and negative self-talk. Depression is a serious mental illness but it is curable. So stay with me during this post and I will show you some effective ways to make you feel better during tough days.

A Toothless Beast… - My Thoughts About Depression.

Battling with depression can be hard and exhausting. In “good days” everything seems quite normal but when “bad days” comes you feel hopeless, extremely exhausted and numb. Depression is not a choice but a serious mental illness that has to be treated properly. A lot of depressed people feel guilty, ashamed or embarresed for having this mental problem but there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you are depressed it doesn’t mean that you are weak or incapable of living a good life it means that you have to address your problem and start your battle. You can do this and you’re not alone!

Anger Management - Healthy Ways To Mindfully Release Anger.

Anger is a natural human emotion and like any other emotions serve a particular purpose. Whether is a call for making a decision, motivation to take an action or an alert to the danger, it cannot be ignored or avoided. But in order to respond not react when we feel angry we have to adopt a mindful approach first. Because mindfulness techniques are meant to teach us how to acknowledge, accept and deal with our emotions in a healthy way, especially with the negative ones.

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