Tag: balance

7 Self-Love Habits That Will Help You To Thrive During Difficult Times

To be able to even start thinking about cultivating self-love you need to redirect your focus from others to yourself. However, we’re not talking here about developing cynical self-centredness and become a self-absorbed, egotistic and selfish individual who cares only about themselves and doesn’t consider others. Because that would be extremely toxic and extremely harmful to one’s wellbeing.

What I mean instead is, that you should make yourself your number one priority. Not your ONLY priority but your number one priority. That’s the main difference between healthy self-interest and selfishness that many people seem to ignore.

Healthy egoism starts with self-reflection, self-awareness, discovering your personal core values and identifying your own needs. When you discover what makes you happy, satisfied and fulfilled you will be able to create intimate relationships with others. And isn’t it what we all want?

12 Daily Habits For A Healthy, Positive And Balanced Life

Social distancing, quarantines, and isolation during the Coronavirus pandemic are quite challenging, to say the least. In these difficult times is so easy to engage in negative thinking and obsess over worst-case scenarios, but it’s not how you build strong mental health and improve your mood. So instead of watching news 24/7 that can only make you feel worse and worse do the things that make you feel genuinely happy, peaceful and fulfilled.

Wellness Weekend Challenge: 10 Ways To Reset, Relax And Reboot.

Most of us can hardly find time to relax during the week. We’re too busy to navigate through our jam-packed schedule to be able to pause for a second to take a deep breath, let alone having a rest. And then suddenly it’s the weekend, but work fatigue, exhaustion and tiredness make us unable to relax even when given a chance. It’s time to change this negative life pattern! It’s time for a weekend wellness challenge!

How To Do A Mental Cleanse: 7 Ways To Detox Your Mind And Get Rid Of Negativity For A More Successful Life.

We live in a busy, noisy and chaotic world. And while the right amount of these ingredients adds delicious flavour to the salad of life, the problem starts when you add too much of them. Too much chaos, busyness and noise create a mix that not only doesn’t taste good but it’s also quite indigestible. Not to mention that this strange mixture can easily transform into unbearable mental clutter which is pretty hard to deal with. That’s why if you want to stay focused on your priorities and maintain a solid life balance you need to declutter your mind and surroundings regularly. Getting rid of intrusive thoughts, mental collections and excessive clutter will not only help you to regain control of your life but it will also help you to maximize your chances for success. 

Dopamine Detox: One Simple Habit That Will Make You Successful.

We live in a digital era that supports and actively promotes instant gratification. Modern technology, fast information exchange, the fake world of social media, online shopping with delivery at speed of light gives us the illusion that we can achieve greater fulfilment and life satisfaction without much effort. This idea that we can have everything we want almost immediately is totally delusional. But for some reason, we try to convince ourselves that we can achieve what we want without working hard. Well, it’s far from the truth. Because as we all know real success is built on achievement, not on a purchase order. You cannot expect that you will find fulfilment in life if you prioritize instant gratification over long-term goals. It’s not going to happen.

The feeling of instant gratification is fleeting but incredibly powerful and extremely addictive. That’s why there are so many people seek instant gratification at any cost. Dopamine addiction makes them unable to resist the desire to experience pleasure or fulfilment without delay. As a result, they are focused on the short term highs of immediate pleasure instead of building long-term satisfaction which, consequently, leads to unhappiness.

However, we cannot forget that dopamine plays an essential role in executive functions, motor control, motivation, learning, pleasure, reward and reinforcement. So as you can see, the role of this “happy hormone” is extremely important and should not be underestimated. The problems begin when you get stimulated all the time and you develop a tolerance for the high-levels od dopamine. Then before you know it, you become addicted to activities that produce short-term pleasure. In consequence, you become unable to resist temptations and instead of working towards your long-term goals you keep seeking immediate gratification.

15 Positive Ways to Self-Care During Difficult Times

We are living in extremely stressful and chaotic times, which means that we need to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally to be able to make sense out of this chaos that surrounds us. One of the best ways to achieve this strength is by taking good care of your physical health and mental wellbeing. Most of us know that we should prioritize self-care but when it comes to practising it suddenly it turns out that we are too busy. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are incredibly overloaded by insane amounts of information that is impossible to memorize or even process. And I don’t know about you, but news has never made me so anxious before. I start thinking that “Headline stress disorder” is a real thing. And I am not kidding. Yes, this is a terrifying, frightening time for everyone but instead of giving in to the fear and panic, we should do our best to stay calm and safe. And what better way to do that if not by making more time for practising self-care and self-reflection?

Morning Routine To Reduce Stress And Anxiety: Quarantine Edition.

The Ultimate Morning Routine During The Coronavirus Lockdown</p> <h4>Table of Contents</h4> <h2>From Anxious To Mindful Mind</h2> <p>With the COVID-19 outbreak now a pandemic, the world has become chaotic. We are all experiencing something that has never happened before in human history. Countries are imposing coronavirus lockdowns, hospitals are nearly overwhelmed,…

Mental Health During The Coronavirus Pandemic: 10 Simple Ways To Cope With Stress And Anxiety In The Face Of COVID-19.

With the COVID-19 outbreak now a pandemic, the world has become chaotic. We are all experiencing something that has never happened before in human history. Countries are imposing coronavirus lockdowns, hospitals are nearly overwhelmed, schools and “non-essential” businesses are closed, people work from home, kids spend their spring break indoors and we are all trying to make sense of this unprecedented situation. Some people panic and self-isolate others aren’t worried at all and continue to carelessly go outside behaving as though life goes on as usual. But the world is different. Our daily lives have changed and there’s no point in pretending otherwise. Because while initial short-term denial can be actually a good thing, a complete rejection of reality will produce the exact opposite effect. Denial is a self-sabotaging behavior that prevents you from taking appropriate action and making conscious decisions, while acceptance of your current situation will not only help you gain mental clarity, but it will also help your mental health. However, it is worth remembering that “Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there’s got to be a way through it.” You don’t have to like, want, choose, or support the situation you’re in, but you need to accept it to be able to think more rationally and make good decisions that will keep you heading in the direction in which you want to go. So take a deep breath, accept that you cannot control the coronavirus pandemic, embrace the chaos and focus on your mental health - one of those aspects of your life you CAN control. Strong mental health will help you to regain your mental focus, improve your life satisfaction, increase resilience and turn a negative situation into a positive one. And without further ado, here are 10 simple and powerful ways to build strong mental health during the coronavirus pandemic.   

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