Tag: balanced life

The Ultimate Productivity Bundle: My Review + FREE Printables.

Do you consider yourself a highly productive person who delivers their work on time? Are you happy with what you get done each day? Or maybe you struggle to meet deadlines and your personal life is literally non-existent?

Well, being productive in a world full of distractions is not an easy thing to do. But with the right tools and time-saving resources, you can not only get way more done in less time but also reach your professional goals faster and more easily.

15 Positive Ways to Self-Care During Difficult Times

We are living in extremely stressful and chaotic times, which means that we need to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally to be able to make sense out of this chaos that surrounds us. One of the best ways to achieve this strength is by taking good care of your physical health and mental wellbeing. Most of us know that we should prioritize self-care but when it comes to practising it suddenly it turns out that we are too busy. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are incredibly overloaded by insane amounts of information that is impossible to memorize or even process. And I don’t know about you, but news has never made me so anxious before. I start thinking that “Headline stress disorder” is a real thing. And I am not kidding. Yes, this is a terrifying, frightening time for everyone but instead of giving in to the fear and panic, we should do our best to stay calm and safe. And what better way to do that if not by making more time for practising self-care and self-reflection?

Morning Routine To Reduce Stress And Anxiety: Quarantine Edition.

The Ultimate Morning Routine During The Coronavirus Lockdown</p> <h4>Table of Contents</h4> <h2>From Anxious To Mindful Mind</h2> <p>With the COVID-19 outbreak now a pandemic, the world has become chaotic. We are all experiencing something that has never happened before in human history. Countries are imposing coronavirus lockdowns, hospitals are nearly overwhelmed,…

The 3 x 8 Method Will Immediately Change Your Life For Better!

Let me guess, you wish you could find the way to get more things done during the workday but instead, you’re constantly running out of time desperately trying to finish your never-ending to-do list? Or maybe you’ve tried a thousand things to get inspired, motivated, and prepared to maximize creativity as soon as you wake up but nothing seems to work? Oh my gosh, you have no idea… how much I understand what you’re going through. I used to think that my days are too short to get things done and to be able to finish my work I had to sacrifice my sleep every single night. And I did it. I lived that way for years until I reached the point of burned out and I couldn’t deal with extreme tiredness anymore. I knew that I had to figure out a way to increase my productivity levels without sacrificing my sleep. And I did! After having tested out many approaches, methods, and strategies I’ve finally found the way to get things done, work on a side project, relax, recharge my batteries and get 8 hours of sleep a day. And you know what? Applying this method to your daily life is easier than you think! All you have to do is adopt a positive attitude, make our priorities straight and start using your time effectively and the 3 x 8 method will help you to achieve that! So without further ado, let’s get into it!

12 Life-Changing Habits of Highly Motivated People

Highly motivated people know that motivation is created intentionally and deliberately through actions, action sequences, and OTHER habits. There is nothing accidental or surprising about this process. There is no magical way you become insanely motivated just by thinking intensely about it. You need to take action that will trigger your motivation. And then once you become motivated to work towards your goals you need to fuel your motivation and keep the fire burning on the journey to your dreams. Why? well, because motivation is NOT constant. You need to take action, then another action and then… 

I’m sure you’re starting to see a pattern here…

Those “motivation fueling” actions, action sequences, and simple habits will help you to set a specific and sustainable rhythm of your daily life. And once you define the rhythm of your daily life you will no longer wait for motivation to strike and inspire you to start your new projects. 

In other words, if you want to be highly motivated you need to be active mentally and physically instead of waiting for something or someone to motivate you. 

A Holistic Goal Setting Method - Improve in Every Sphere of Your Life.

Creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle requires putting time and effort in every sphere of your life. Because if you focus only on some of the areas of your life while completely neglecting the others you won’t be able to create the desired equilibrium. Of course, you don’t necessarily have to put the same amount of time and effort in all of them. But keep in mind that if you want to achieve a whole life performance you need to balance every segment of your life.   

10 Simple Ways To Live A More Holistic Lifestyle And Why It’s Worth Trying!

Holistic Lifestyle is the healthiest way of living your life. This way of living is much more than holistic medicine, natural remedies or connecting with nature. It’s about healing your mind, body and spirit and creating a healthy balance that helps you to live more healthier, happier and fulfilled life. Holistic lifestyle is about looking at the big picture, finding your life purpose, taking mindful decisions and embracing pros and cons of every situation. It’s not about being perfect but about finding the best version of yourself, being grateful and celebrating every single day. In this post you will learn about 10 simple ways to live a more holistic lifestyle that will help you to start your holistic journey help you to start your journey to a healthier, happier and more mindful version of yourself without sacryfying your daily routine or morphing into someone else. Observe everything as a whole, be authentic, make mindful choices and live more naturally and you will find your happiness and life purpose.

Let Your Self-Care Journey Begin - Free Workbook

Practicing self-care is crucial for your health and wellbeing. That’s why it is so important to make self-care a part of your daily routine. If you find difficult to find some time for self-care because of your busy schedule just schedule times for yourself and use it doing the activities that make you happy, relaxed and paceful. Grab this free prontable workbook and start your self-care journey right now!

FREE Life Balance Workbook

Get your FREE printable WORKBOOK and regain control of your life.