Tag: brain power

Dopamine Detox: One Simple Habit That Will Make You Successful.

We live in a digital era that supports and actively promotes instant gratification. Modern technology, fast information exchange, the fake world of social media, online shopping with delivery at speed of light gives us the illusion that we can achieve greater fulfilment and life satisfaction without much effort. This idea that we can have everything we want almost immediately is totally delusional. But for some reason, we try to convince ourselves that we can achieve what we want without working hard. Well, it’s far from the truth. Because as we all know real success is built on achievement, not on a purchase order. You cannot expect that you will find fulfilment in life if you prioritize instant gratification over long-term goals. It’s not going to happen.

The feeling of instant gratification is fleeting but incredibly powerful and extremely addictive. That’s why there are so many people seek instant gratification at any cost. Dopamine addiction makes them unable to resist the desire to experience pleasure or fulfilment without delay. As a result, they are focused on the short term highs of immediate pleasure instead of building long-term satisfaction which, consequently, leads to unhappiness.

However, we cannot forget that dopamine plays an essential role in executive functions, motor control, motivation, learning, pleasure, reward and reinforcement. So as you can see, the role of this “happy hormone” is extremely important and should not be underestimated. The problems begin when you get stimulated all the time and you develop a tolerance for the high-levels od dopamine. Then before you know it, you become addicted to activities that produce short-term pleasure. In consequence, you become unable to resist temptations and instead of working towards your long-term goals you keep seeking immediate gratification.

9 Healthy Living Habits That Will Improve Your Life Immediately.

Scrolling through social media profiles of fitness guru can give you the idea that living a healthy lifestyle is about spending hours of training at the gym and eating a calorie-restricted diet. Well, that’s probably the biggest misconception about health and wellness.
Although good nutrition and workout routine can easily improve your health and wellbeing it does not mean that you need to put your blood, sweat and tears in the gym or eat in a calorie deficit. What you need instead is a healthy balance. Balance is the key to a long, healthy and happy life.
To create that balance you need to develop positive healthy habits and learn to make easy-to-manage healthy choices. And to help you with that today I’m sharing with you top 9 healthy living habits that will change your life for the better immediately. So without further ado, let’s dive in!

Improve Your Brain Power: 10 Simple Ways To Boost Your Memory, Increase Your Mental Focus and Keep Your Mind Sharp.

If you want to boost your mental performance, improve your mental skills and increase your concentration you need to look after your mental health. Most people focus on improving their physical health completely forgetting about their mental and emotional wellbeing. So they invest in a gym membership, fitness equipment, costly yoga mat, nutrition books, clean eating meal plan thinking that a healthy body is all they need to reach their goals. But the truth is you cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mind and vice versa. Mental and physical health are fundamentally linked and should be valued and take care of equally. If you want to transform your life, boost your mental powers, tap into your full potential and gain the most of this crazy journey we call life you need to focus on your mental wellbeing. And if you think that building strong mental health requires a massive amount of time, seeing a therapist or reading really hard books that’s not true. You can strengthen your mental health, improve your mental skills, boost your mood and increase your focus by doing quick and simple exercises.

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