Tag: chaotic

Take A Naked Selfie But First Clean Your Room For God’s Sake…

Your messy environment indicates the state of your mind because your personal external space talks a lot about your inner world. You can’t be an organized, productive and inspired person if you live in a complete mess. That’s why decluttering your mind begins from decluttering your external space. So clean your room and next do your thing.
make your background presentable

Do You Believe In Unicorns?

The moral of this story is that happiness is a state of mind, chemical imbalance, a temporary high, a natural phenomenon, and a just a feeling. It’s not a permanent state. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Happiness is a choice. So when it happens to you, don’t overanalyze it. Just embrace this fleeting moment… Don’t be afraid of embarrassing yourself. Be fully present. Just go with it. Be authentic. Find your tribe and live your life to the fullest! No regrets!

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