Tag: state of mind

The Power Of Letting Go - Instagram Filters Are Not Working In Real Life…

We create our storytelling that directly affects our state of mind and personal well-being. Which basically means that stories and narratives we make up to describe what we perceive through our five senses can trigger pleasant emotions like joy or happiness or unpleasant emotions like anger, fear or sadness. As pleasant emotions tend to do no harm even if they have nothing to do with the real situation (the present moment) the trouble starts when your dramatic storytelling causes negative emotions that create suffering that wasn’t even there at the beginning. Sounds crazy right?

3 Steps To Radical Acceptance

Learn to acknowledge and accept your feelings. Always give yourself permission to feel exactly how you feel in a certain moment. Don’t try to change your state of mind. Trust your gut. Live in the present moment. Be mindful. Work on positive self-talk. And learn how to practice radical acceptance. Accept your reality. And remember that transformation is always preceded by a moment of acceptance. Radical acceptance.

Do You Believe In Unicorns?

The moral of this story is that happiness is a state of mind, chemical imbalance, a temporary high, a natural phenomenon, and a just a feeling. It’s not a permanent state. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Happiness is a choice. So when it happens to you, don’t overanalyze it. Just embrace this fleeting moment… Don’t be afraid of embarrassing yourself. Be fully present. Just go with it. Be authentic. Find your tribe and live your life to the fullest! No regrets!

Anger Management - Healthy Ways To Mindfully Release Anger.

Anger is a natural human emotion and like any other emotions serve a particular purpose. Whether is a call for making a decision, motivation to take an action or an alert to the danger, it cannot be ignored or avoided. But in order to respond not react when we feel angry we have to adopt a mindful approach first. Because mindfulness techniques are meant to teach us how to acknowledge, accept and deal with our emotions in a healthy way, especially with the negative ones.

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