Tag: take action

How To Be The Main Character of Your Life: 10 Simple Steps.

Tired of comparing yourself to others? Struggling to get rid of imposter syndrome for good? It’s time to take your power back and become the main character of your life. You are capable of achieving everything you want and if you feel a bit confused in this post you will find how to transform from a passive observer of your life to the main character of your incredible existence.

Finding Peace In An Anxious World: 8 Ways To Deal With Anxiety During Tough Times

The coronavirus pandemic is one of those highly complex situations that are dangerous and beyond your control. However, even if you cannot predict what is going to happen next you can still control how you respond to events in your life. But in order to do it, first, you need to recognize that you are in control of your thoughts. You decide what thought to feed and what to free immediately. You have the power to turn negative thoughts upside down and use less-than-perfect circumstances to your advantage.

If you want to thrive in chaotic and uncertain moments like this, you need to focus on developing a long-lasting positive mindset. Positive thinking and unconditional belief that you can use this crisis to come out stronger will help you to restore mental clarity, look at our current world from many different angles and points of view and make the right decisions about your future.

To Procrastinate, Or Not To Procrastinate, That Is The Question. - How To Overcome The Habit Of Procrastination.

Procrastination is only seemingly harmless but in reality is quite dangerous, addictive and harmful. It may not be a deadly sin but it’s definitely a dream killer. Not to mention that it produces ZERO results. So the question you need to ask yourself is what do you want to do with your life? Are you willing to sacrifice instant gratification for a long-term reward or you’re satisfied with what you have already and you’re not interested in making progress in meaningful work? The choice is yours. But before you make this decision you need to consider one thing: do you really want to give up on your goals and dreams? Are you ready to trade an opportunity to succeed for short-time pleasure? And finally, do you really want impulse, emotions and fear of hard work to control your life? Because this is the real cost of procrastination. Are you ready to pay this price? 

Discover The Easiest Way To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick, Set Your Goals For 2020 & Smash Them!

Setting 2020 Goals and actually stick to them!</p> <h4>Table of Contents</h4> <h3>”twenty-twenties”</h3> <p>There’s no time to waste, so let’s get started! Let’s plan, visualize your short-term future and evolve in your future self! 10 Simple Steps To Become Your Future Self 1. New Year’s Resolutions - how to make them…

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