Tag: time blocking

How To Plan Your Month For Success: 5 Simple Productivity And Planning Hacks.

Planning is indispensable if you want to achieve your goals, step into that next version of yourself and upgrade the results in every area of your life.  

Having a well-designed a well-thought-out plan will help you to avoid decision fatigue, take control of your focus and get that (annoying) stuff done that you should have done a long time ago but procrastination took over your life. 

Success is never a coincidence but the result of effective planning, smart (hard) work, continuous effort, self-discipline, persistence and unwavering self-belief in one’s ability to achieve their goals.

Achievements have to be planned, goals need to be set and action has to be taken in order to get closer to your dream life. So, take a piece of paper and a pen because you’ve got an exciting month to plan. And to help you with that here are the 5-step formula to plan a successful month!

How To Plan A Successful Week: 7 Steps To Create A Productive & Balanced Weekly Routine.

The secret to organizing a productive and balanced week while working from home is to plan everything in advance. This simple strategy will give you comfort, peace of mind and a sense that you’re focusing on the right things instead of falling into the trap of urgency, or even worse, the trap of procrastination. And that’s what we all want to avoid.

How To Organize Mind For Maximum Productivity & Balance: 9 Powerful Tips

Organized Mind = Organized Life In my last post that you can read <a href=”https://holisticlifebykate.com/2021/01/10/11-awesome-tools-apps-to-plan-organize-your-life-in-2021-free-printables/”>here</a>, I was sharing with you 11 awesome tools and apps to plan and organize your life like a Pro. Today I want to continue our topic of improving organizational skills by focusing on decluttering and…

How To Get More Things Done In Less Time: 7 Time Management Hacks That Changed My Life.

Most highly productive self-motivated and successful entrepreneurs start their day at 6 am or even earlier because it gives them enough time to perform their powerful morning rituals, revise their prioritized to-do list and drink their bullet coffee in peace. They use their calendar to block time and schedule their days down to the minute because they understand the value of time. They know how to combine hard work with smart work and most importantly they know how to get more things done in less time. How they do it? Well, by using the right time management techniques. What are these techniques you will discover in this post. So without further ado, let’s dive in. Here are the top 7 time management techniques that will make your productivity skyrocket and help you to accomplish more in less time. 

How to Prioritize Your Life & Make Your Productivity Skyrocket - FREE Printable Workbook!

We live on the run. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are incredibly overloaded by too much irrelevant information that we cannot even process. We eat in a hurry. We listen instead of reading. We write instead of talking. We literally don’t have time for anything besides work. We live a sedentary lifestyle far away from purest nature. It’s time to change this negative pattern! It’s time to get your priorities straight and regain control over your time! 

That’s why I created FREE Printable “Prioriritze Your Life” Workbook to help you set your priorities straight and regain control of your life! 

You can download the 42-page Workbook by clicking the link below! I hope you enjoy it!

My Top 10 Tips On How To Manage It All & Still Succeed: Quarantine Edition

They say that a goal without a plan is just a wish and I totally agree with that. However, I would add to this statement that if you want to succeed in life you need to learn how to set proper goals and how to design a strategic action plan to actually achieve them. Because most people try to achieve something and they fail not because they lack skills, knowledge or expertise but because they lack a clear vision of what they exactly want to achieve. That’s crazy, right? You need to know exactly what you want to achieve, how you’re gonna do that and estimate the time it will take to complete the tasks. In other words, you need to set proper goals, design a plan of action and set effective deadlines so that you can focus on what’s really important and use your time wisely. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time and energy running in circles and doing the wrong things. (check out The Parkinson’s Law here) So before you get to work make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, how you’re going to do that and when each task is to be completed. 

FREE Life Balance Workbook

Get your FREE printable WORKBOOK and regain control of your life.