Tag: universe

Irrecoverably Lost

We tend to take everything for granted completely forgetting that life can change in a second. That’s why it is so important to practice gratitude , be kind and thankful for every moment of our life, everything we have, every good person we know and every experience life gives us. Life is a gift and we should never forget about this. Changes are built into the human existence

Embrace The Chaos - Too Close To The Edge…

Discover simple ways to embrace chaos and unpredictability in life and learn how to control the uncontrollable. nevertheless, When it comes to uncertainty, unpredictability, and distrust towards life, the only thing we can do is to accept this. Because it is a fact, an axiom. And like every axiom is a self-evident and undeniable truth. No matter what some people say, I personally believe that we cannot predict unpredictable and control uncontrollable.

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