Embrace The Chaos - Too Close To The Edge…


Chaos is my favorite state of mind. Why? Probably because it’s the natural state of affairs. Chaos is the creative force of the entire universe and undeniable source of inspiration for any creative work. Furthermore, it is an expedition to the far side of the mind and an obvious announcement of a change. But you should know one thing, chaos may easily become like a black hole that will suck up everything into it, including you. For this particular reason during this journey you have to be careful, avoid going too far and discovering too much at once. Why? Because if you are not prudent it can completely overwhelm you. And then, it may be no return to the reality. So remember, don’t just dive in, be mindful. Stop, observe and describe what is happening when it comes to you. Are you scared? How do you feel exactly? Are you nervous, excited, agitated, passionate, thrilled or annoyed? Try to define what chaos you are experiencing really means to you. Take a piece of paper and write everything down. Trust me, if you write down your thoughts, feelings, and ideas everything becomes less scary.

Obviously, there are two different kinds of chaos, the creative (inspirational) one and the destructive (fatal) one which lies at the other end of the spectrum. Honestly, I think that you can quite easily distinguish between them by using the power of mindfulness and a certain dose of common sense. Which means that, if you are able to stop and observe the complexity of a situation you find yourself connected with your intuition and higher self and in consequence you know exactly how not to lose yourself in permanent chaos. (If it works for me it will work for you too, trust me). Why is it so important not to drown yourself in a holy mess? Probably because nothing has sense in the front of a great chaos. By this, I mean a kind of moment in life when things go beyond our control and all we try to do is to figure out how not to go insane. And we all know that dealing with this kind of chaos that is closer to destruction than any kind of creativity is extremely hard and exhausting. Well, it’s not rocket science.

Control The Uncontrollable.

However, what is even more disturbing is that chaos may be more than overwhelming. Sadly, if you do not pay enough attention, it will consume you completely without leaving a single shred of evidence that you have ever existed. That’s a risky game, isn’t it? If we are not careful while dealing with chaos we can easily cross the line, go a bridge too far and find ourselves in the completely different reality, not a safe one. But, it gets even more interesting if you think that we are able to notice a boundary only when we just have crossed it not earlier than that…  How funny is that? Quite ironic. Don’t you think?

But, nevertheless, when it comes to uncertainty, unpredictability, and distrust towards life, the only thing we can do is to accept this. Because it is a fact, an axiom. And like every axiom is a self-evident and undeniable truth. No matter what some people say, I personally believe that we cannot predict unpredictable and control theuncontrollable. Of course, we have an opportunity to influence events and manipulate them a little bit but still, it doesn’t equal controlling our fate. Life always shows who is in charge here. The only thing we can control is our behavior, our reactions, and responses to the events. And that’s all. We cannot control more than that. Especially we cannot control the chaos that from time to time just flows into our life unannounced. This is because chaos in life just like a certain amount of uncertainty is written into human existence. There is nothing we can do to avoid this natural phenomenon which is completely beyond our control. And therefore, fighting against it will always end with complete failure and then the repercussions will be disastrous. Since living in denial is never a good idea and it’s always the best way to hurt yourself. That’s why we should be extremely careful when dealing with chaos in our life. Let’s just face the reality, a certain amount of uncertainty is an indispensable part of our life, it’s just written in human existence. We cannot avoid or control it but we can deal with it in a healthy an effective way.  

So what’s the point of handling/managing chaos in life and how we can do it?

For me dealing effectively with chaos in life means that:

Radical Acceptance: We cannot control everything except our behavior, responses, and reactions to the events in our life. We have to deal with the fact that we cannot predict unpredictable and control the uncontrollable.

Take care!!

Stay positive

Be mindful

xx Kate

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