Tag: work-life balance

Struggling To Work From Home? Discover 4-Step Formula For Successful Remote Work + FREEBIES.

If you’re new to the work-from-home lifestyle you may need or want some practical know-how and proven tips and tricks that would save you a lot of time and energy making your everyday life much more productive, balanced, and enjoyable. 

And if you’ve been working from home, at home, or homeschooling your kids for some time now you know that being open to testing new strategies and trying new (and different) game plan is always a good idea and incredible opportunity to uplevel your life and upgrade your results. 

7 Simple Hacks To Organize Your Workspace for Maximum Productivity, Peak Performance & Wellbeing.

Motivation is not constant. Willpower is a limited resource. Perpetuum Mobile kind of productivity doesn’t exist. And you deserve to spend some quality family or “me time” after 8 hours of work even especially if you work from home.

The fact that you work from home doesn’t mean that you should be at work 24/7 always prepared for the next project, professional task, or assignment. In fact, the opposite is true: setting crystal clear work-life boundaries will help you to make work from home benefit your lifestyle. And the easiest and most effective way to draw a clear line between professional and personal life while working from home is to organize a perfect workspace.

How To Write & Master An Epic To-Do List: 6 Simple Steps To Becoming A Highly Organized And Productive Person.

Are you one of those people who every evening write a 3-pages long to-do list hoping you can get everything done, but it never happens? Or maybe you constantly underestimate the amount of time needed to complete a specific task and you always end up dissapointened in yourself? 

What about your jam-packed schedule? Is it giving you anxiety or maybe you’ve already accepted the impossibility of getting work done well and on time?

If this is how you feel about your to-do list, then continue to read this post because I have a solution to your never-ending, anxiety-provoking to-do list - the 6-step formula for creating an EPIC to-do list!

Work From Home Habits To Stay Productive And Healthy: 10 Powerful Hacks.

Working from home seems to be the dream come true for many employees, and indeed it is. Because if you consider all the benefits, remote working is a luxury. You don’t waste time commuting, you spend more time at home, you have a flexible schedule and you can stay all day long in comfy clothes. But you also sit all day long, work next to the fridge and most likely mix your professional and personal responsibilities. So that’s the other, less exciting side of remote working that can lead to procrastination, lack of motivation and various health problems.

To help you avoid that, today I’m sharing 10 absolutely awesome work from home habits that will maximize your productivity levels and help you maintain good health!

What to Do When You Have No Motivation & A Lot Of Work To Do: 11 Ways To Regain Your Motivation & Passion.

Lack of motivation can be one of the greatest obstacles in achieving your goals and creating the life you want to live. It blocks your creativity, slows down your progress and makes it hard to get anything done, even the easiest tasks. Suddenly everything seems to be unappealing and staying in bed all day long watching Netflix becomes the only option to survive the day. But does it really?

What if I told you that you can increase your motivational energy and stamina in an easy way? Because that’s actually true. So if you feel unmotivated, uninspired and just off, then continue to read this post to discover 11 ways to boost your motivational energy and put yourself back in motion. 

How To Plan A Successful Week: 7 Steps To Create A Productive & Balanced Weekly Routine.

The secret to organizing a productive and balanced week while working from home is to plan everything in advance. This simple strategy will give you comfort, peace of mind and a sense that you’re focusing on the right things instead of falling into the trap of urgency, or even worse, the trap of procrastination. And that’s what we all want to avoid.

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