If you want to make “work from home” works for you you need to develop healthy habits that will help you maximize your work-from-home experience while maintaining good health.
If you want to make “work from home” works for you you need to develop healthy habits that will help you maximize your work-from-home experience while maintaining good health.
Schedule means getting things done. That is why you should not underestimate its importance, especially if you consider the monetary value of your time. And let me tell you, even if you are not at the working place in a particular moment, your time has still monetary value because you either saving money or investing them in your future.
What all exceptionally successful people have in common? They have morning rituals. Which also means that they all wake up early and I mean, very early. Because if you have ever read or watched an interview with one of the top New York City CEOs or some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world that they are all early birds who wake up somewhere between 5 and 6 a.m. Why they do it? For a couple of reasons.
First of all, being an early riser gives them a great competitive advantage over their competitors who most likely get up around 7 and 8 a.m. Second, they make the best use of the morning peak hours that occur between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Third, waking up early gives them enough time to perform their powerful morning routine and set the right mood for the entire day. Another important thing is that the world in the early morning is the world free from external distractions, which cannot be said about midday. And last but definitely not least, being an early bird means drinking your coffee in peace instead of doing this during your commute to work.
We live in a digital era that supports and actively promotes instant gratification. Modern technology, fast information exchange, the fake world of social media, online shopping with delivery at speed of light gives us the illusion that we can achieve greater fulfilment and life satisfaction without much effort. This idea that we can have everything we want almost immediately is totally delusional. But for some reason, we try to convince ourselves that we can achieve what we want without working hard. Well, it’s far from the truth. Because as we all know real success is built on achievement, not on a purchase order. You cannot expect that you will find fulfilment in life if you prioritize instant gratification over long-term goals. It’s not going to happen.
The feeling of instant gratification is fleeting but incredibly powerful and extremely addictive. That’s why there are so many people seek instant gratification at any cost. Dopamine addiction makes them unable to resist the desire to experience pleasure or fulfilment without delay. As a result, they are focused on the short term highs of immediate pleasure instead of building long-term satisfaction which, consequently, leads to unhappiness.
However, we cannot forget that dopamine plays an essential role in executive functions, motor control, motivation, learning, pleasure, reward and reinforcement. So as you can see, the role of this “happy hormone” is extremely important and should not be underestimated. The problems begin when you get stimulated all the time and you develop a tolerance for the high-levels od dopamine. Then before you know it, you become addicted to activities that produce short-term pleasure. In consequence, you become unable to resist temptations and instead of working towards your long-term goals you keep seeking immediate gratification.
Most highly productive self-motivated and successful entrepreneurs start their day at 6 am or even earlier because it gives them enough time to perform their powerful morning rituals, revise their prioritized to-do list and drink their bullet coffee in peace. They use their calendar to block time and schedule their days down to the minute because they understand the value of time. They know how to combine hard work with smart work and most importantly they know how to get more things done in less time. How they do it? Well, by using the right time management techniques. What are these techniques you will discover in this post. So without further ado, let’s dive in. Here are the top 7 time management techniques that will make your productivity skyrocket and help you to accomplish more in less time.
Perfection exists an abstraction of our minds trying to control the uncontrollable. It’s just an illusion just like a concept of absolute free will created by our subconscious mind making us believe that we have a direct impact of everything in the universe. But the truth is, we cannot control outside factors such as the weather, the future, the past, the global economy, geopolitical situation or the most recent example – the pandemic. Ok, but what this has to do with the idea of perfection, you may ask. Well, in my personal opinion perfection could be attainable if we were omnipotent. But we aren’t and we will never be. In other words, perfection would be possible if we could control everything and everyone, when in fact we can ONLY control ourselves. Not to mention that we no matter how prepared we are, there’s no way we can predict with 100% what outcome are actions will produce. There are just too many variables to take into consideration…
So no matter how alluring and intriguing the idea of reaching perfection is, it’s still not attainable. That’s why we should focus on the process instead of striving for something that doesn’t even exist in the real world. Of course, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t work hard. Of course, you should. Furthermore, you should always give your best shot but at the same time, you should avoid setting standards that are unrealistic or unattainable. Remember that, the more action you take the more results you create. Whilst, overthinking and overanalyzing everything in details to the nth degree creates confusion and leads to procrastination. Not to mention that it last sot you lost opportunity. Keep that in mind. Better done than perfect!
We live on the run. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are incredibly overloaded by too much irrelevant information that we cannot even process. We eat in a hurry. We listen instead of reading. We write instead of talking. We literally don’t have time for anything besides work. We live a sedentary lifestyle far away from purest nature. It’s time to change this negative pattern! It’s time to get your priorities straight and regain control over your time!
That’s why I created FREE Printable “Prioriritze Your Life” Workbook to help you set your priorities straight and regain control of your life!
You can download the 42-page Workbook by clicking the link below! I hope you enjoy it!
They say that a goal without a plan is just a wish and I totally agree with that. However, I would add to this statement that if you want to succeed in life you need to learn how to set proper goals and how to design a strategic action plan to actually achieve them. Because most people try to achieve something and they fail not because they lack skills, knowledge or expertise but because they lack a clear vision of what they exactly want to achieve. That’s crazy, right? You need to know exactly what you want to achieve, how you’re gonna do that and estimate the time it will take to complete the tasks. In other words, you need to set proper goals, design a plan of action and set effective deadlines so that you can focus on what’s really important and use your time wisely. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time and energy running in circles and doing the wrong things. (check out The Parkinson’s Law here) So before you get to work make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, how you’re going to do that and when each task is to be completed.
How does your typical day look like? How much time do you spend or waste on mindlessly scrolling through social media, binge-watching Netflix, checking your emails, focusing on judging others, choosing what to cook for dinner, trying to figure out what to wear and doing other stuff that just doesn’t matter? And more importantly, how much time you could save if you just stop doing the things you really don’t need to do and focus on what really matters? Do some quick math, look at the numbers and see how many hours do you waste each day on things that don’t add value to your life? Numbers don’t lie, people lie with numbers. While creative accounting can make you feel better, bear in mind that you are only lying to yourself. If you want to succeed you need to ditch bad habits that prevent you from reaching your goals. You need to stop wasting your time on useless things and improve your personal effectiveness. If you want to succeed in almost everything you need to learn how to obtain absolute focus and maximize the time you have so that you will be able to get more things done in less time. It’s that simple! Success is not about having specific skills, secret knowledge or decades of experience but about focus and creativity. Both of these things, mixed with a little bit of positive energy and personal happiness are the key to success. And believe me or not, you already have everything you need to reach your professional and personal goals: You just need to unlock the full potential of your mind and start maximizing results. And if you need some help, here are my 5-step method to maximize your productivity and get more things done in less time.
Whether you work from home during the Coronavirus Pandemic or thinking about starting a side hustle you need a good strategy that will help you to work effectively, create motivation and stay focus on your goals during these chaotic times. That’s why today I am sharing with you 10 powerful tips on how to boost your mental focus, make your productivity skyrocket and get in the flow. But before you start reading, I just want to remember you that this situation is temporary and even if we cannot control it we can STILL control how we respond to it. So make good use of this “time off”. You are in control of your life, time and productivity levels. Don’t wait for the future, create it RIGHT NOW. Keep your head up. You got this!