5 Alternative Thoughts On Self-Care - Guest Post

alternative thoughts on self-care

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alternative thoughts on self-care

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Self-Care May Cause Self Love

so be careful

The Importance Of Cultivating Self-Care

Cultivating self-care is important for creating and maintaining a healthy balance and a positive relationship with yourself. That’s why it should be an important part of your daily routine. But beware, because practicing self-care may cause self-love! 

About CAZ

Invisible Me - life with a chronic, invisible illness is a blog run by a young, empowered and lovely woman that writes about life with a chronic illness with honesty, respect, and great care. Caz is a Chronic Illness Advocate that uses her platform to raise awareness of health issues, combat the stigma of chronic illness and give strength and hope to all those who suffer in silence. And finally, Caz is a person who helped me enormously when I lost my father to ALS earlier this year. She’s a beautiful soul. For that couple of reasons, you NEED to go and check out her blog! 

Caz’s blog and social media platforms

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Here is what Caz from Invisibly Me has to say about self-care:

5 Alternative Thoughts on Self Care

How do I write a post on self-care for a blogger who excels in this area and writes far more helpful posts than I ever could? Just that thought made me realize that I compare myself too much and end up feeling worse for it, and then I knew what I wanted to write. Here are 5 alternative things to consider when it comes to self-care.


1. Stop The Comparison Game

It’s easy to compare yourself and your situation to that of others, whether they’re friends, colleagues, acquaintances on social media or random strangers. We can be our own worst enemy when we pick ourselves apart, weighing ourselves against others and feeling like we never measure up. We can compare anything and everything; how we look, our financial situation, living arrangement, social life, and even our level of happiness. When we compare, we’re comparing assumptions and perceptions. But things aren’t always as they seem because people only show you want they want you to see. We’re never good enough when we play the comparison game. It’s time to celebrate yourself and your life, as perfectly imperfect as it is. There’s only one you, and that is always going to be good enough.

2. Be Assertive

Be your own advocate for your needs. Learn to be okay with asking for what you want, and stand up for yourself. Learn to say no. You owe it to yourself to use your freedom of speech and choice.

set your monthly intentions

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set your monthly intentions

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focus on what you can do

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focus on what you can do

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3. Focus on what you can do

There are plenty of things in life we can’t control, including other people. But you can control how you respond, and how you deal with what life throws your way. Don’t fall into the trap of focusing on the things you can’t change or the things you can’t do for whatever reason; focus on what you can do.

4. Ditch the Guilt & Forgive

Guilt can be pervasive and incredibly damaging, sneaking in at every opportunity. Dig a little deeper to see where this guilt is coming from. Don’t apologize for being you and don’t feel bad for taking care of your own needs. When life gets overwhelming, cut yourself some slack; you’re doing your best, so take a step back, breathe and rest, without feeling guilty about it. Many of us also find it easier to forgive others than ourselves, but it’s an important step to healing hurt, nourishing ourselves, and ditching the guilt.

forgive yourself

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embrace changes

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embrace changes

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5. Write Your Own Rules

There seem to be unwritten rules and guidelines in society about how your life ‘should’ look and what you ‘should’ achieve by certain points in your life. It assumes that these are things you want, but do you really even want them? It can be a heavy weight on your shoulders with the pressures and expectations, but do these ‘rules’ even apply to you? Re-evaluate what your values and goals are. Decide for yourself what you want and what makes you happy. Furthermore, we don’t always get a choice when our life takes a detour, such as if we suffer ill health. Our lives don’t always look the way we’d expected, but that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you can’t carve out a new path and enjoy a scenic route, making the most of your journey as best you can. Forget about what others think. Live your own life by your own rules.


Self-care is not self-indulgent & it is not selfish. It’s vital to your mental & physical health, helping you to live your best life & to be there for those around you, too. Without self-care, we can easily become more exhausted, overwhelmed, utterly frazzled, frustrated, and even resentful.

Self-care is about taking responsibility for ourselves. It’s about making sure our basic needs are met first, then going beyond those to treat ourselves with more kindness and compassion.

morning routine

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morning routine

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Download Your FREE Printable Mental Health Self-Care Worksheets!

Have you checked my FREE printable workbooks on self-care and prioritizing life?

If not, you can DOWNLOAD your 2 FREE workbooks here, just CLICK on the photos!


Stay Positive

Be Mindful

Check Out Caz’s blog to learn more about  

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12 thoughts on “5 Alternative Thoughts On Self-Care - Guest Post

  1. I like the point that self-care is about taking responsibility for ourselves. Without taking care of our own needs first, we’re not going to be able to do much for anyone else.

    1. Hi da-AL! Welcome to my blog! Thank you for your kind words and positive feedback. You’re so right, Caz did an amazing job. P.S. Congratulations on your blog. I’m currently reading your post about Golden Coast in Australia and I have to tell you that you’re creating such an engaging an interesting content! Great job! Have a great weekend 🙂

  2. I love this advice! Especially the tip about doing what you can do. I started to feel like I was “failing” at self-care because I wasn’t doing anything productive for my well-being (like meditation, baths, eating right, etc.) when I had the time (I’m a single mom). I realized that I just need to do what I can, even if that means a quiet moment sipping tea and playing solitaire on the computer. Thank you for the great advice!

    1. Hi Chelsy!! Thank you for your positive feedback! Caz is a wonderful human being, I highly recommend you visit her blog https://invisiblyme.com/ And if you’re looking for more simple self-care ideas you might like to read my post on creating a simple self-care routine (don’t forget to download FREE self-care worksheets and workbook!) that you will find here https://holisticlifebykate.com/2020/01/20/how-to-create-a-simple-self-care-routine-that-will-make-you-thrive-free-printables-checklists/ I’m currently reading your post “How to practice walking meditation” and I love it! Thank you for sharing your valuable insights!
      PS. Being a single mom is a SUPERPOWER!!! Take care and have a wonderful week!!

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