Category: Physical Health

9 Healthy Living Habits That Will Improve Your Life Immediately.

Scrolling through social media profiles of fitness guru can give you the idea that living a healthy lifestyle is about spending hours of training at the gym and eating a calorie-restricted diet. Well, that’s probably the biggest misconception about health and wellness.
Although good nutrition and workout routine can easily improve your health and wellbeing it does not mean that you need to put your blood, sweat and tears in the gym or eat in a calorie deficit. What you need instead is a healthy balance. Balance is the key to a long, healthy and happy life.
To create that balance you need to develop positive healthy habits and learn to make easy-to-manage healthy choices. And to help you with that today I’m sharing with you top 9 healthy living habits that will change your life for the better immediately. So without further ado, let’s dive in!

5 Powerful Ways To Make Your Immune System Bulletproof And Build Your Resistance To Viruses Now.

As we continue our topic on strenghten our immune system and building our resistance to viruses I want to share with you my immunity-boosting shopping list on a budget. So that you can improve your health and overall wellbeing without spending a fortune. 

10 Simple Ways To Boost Your Immune System During The days Of Coronavirus.

Table of Contents Immune System If you watched tv, read the newspaper or social media posts you know that almost all the latest news is about the Coronavirus outbreak – the World Health Organization (WHO) name for the virus is COVID 19. You’re probably wondering what you can do to…

8 Simple Ways to Live a More Active Lifestyle.

What’s your excuse for not working out? Are you too tired? You can’t afford a gym membership? You’re struggle with motivation? Or maybe you’re too busy to work out. Well, me too. Or I should probably say I was too busy to work out until I optimized my daily routine, removed all unnecessary activities from my schedule and made space for my daily psysical activity. I build a workout routine that I love and now I don’t have any excuses for not working out. And you know what? Since then I am healthier, happier and my posture drastically improved. Thank goodness… I was beginning to look more like homo computerus than a typical homo sapiens. 

It’s not a secret that sedetary lifestyle is literally killing us. Physical inactivity has been scientifically proven to be a leading cause for many chronic or even terminal diseases. So why risk so much? 

We’re not designed to sit in front of the computer all day every day. Physical inactivity makes us anxious, depressed, obese and just sick. 

Have you ever noticed how good and energetic even a little physical activity makes you feel? It’s because during exercise our body releases endorphins and increases dopamine and serotonin levels. This magic trio made up of your natural happy chemicals is all you need to activate your happiness mode. Furthermore, regular workouts boost your energy levels, reduces stress, increases self-esteem and keep you fit (not to be confused with “being skinny). Need I say more? So instead of looking for an excuse to skip your workout think how great you will feel afterward and hit the gym, go for a walk or do a full body workout at home. Avoid sedetary lifestyle at all costs. Optimize your schedule, improve your daily rotuine and make space for more physical activity! 

6 Simple Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle

Simple and powerful ways to live a healthier lifestyle. Build stronge mental and physical health. Focus on quality over quantity. Align your goals with your purpose. Nourish your mind, body and spirit. Get a quality rest. Create a healthy sleep routine. Work our regularly. Detoxify yourself. Avoid plastic.

Why You Should Eating Mindfully And How To Start.

Eating mindfully is a form of self-care. The way you eat and the quality of the ingredients in your diet affect directly your health and wellbeing. That’s why it is so important to pay attention on your diet and eating habits. We live in a busy world where grabing some unhealthy fast food became a normal diet. It shouldn’t be that way. This post will help you to understand why eatng miundfully is essential for your healkth and wellbeing. It will also help you to create healthy eating habits to nourish your mind, body and spirit with delicious nutrient-dense food.

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