Category: Powerful Routines

12 Mini Routines (Systems) To Improve Your Life Satisfaction, Boost Your Health & Accelerate Your Growth.

“We are, all of us, creatures of habit, and when the seeming necessity for schooling ourselves in new ways ceases to exist, we fall naturally and easily into the manner and customs which long usage has implanted ineradicably within us.” 

This famous quote by Edgar Rice Burroughs perfectly illustrates that what we practice we become. And if we want to become successful and live our best life we need to master successful habits and stay away from those that block our progress. That’s why in today’s post I’m sharing with you 12 powerful mini-routines that have the potential to drastically change your life, accelerate your success and boost your daily happiness!

5 Powerful Morning Rituals That Will Boost Your Health, Mood And Immune System (Science-Backed).

Not All Morning Rituals Are Created Equal Everyone has morning rituals, some people are just not aware of that. Because we all perform some actions when we wake up in the morning. And when these actions are being repeated daily they sooner or later become our morning rituals. Whether we…

How To Plan A Successful Week: 7 Steps To Create A Productive & Balanced Weekly Routine.

The secret to organizing a productive and balanced week while working from home is to plan everything in advance. This simple strategy will give you comfort, peace of mind and a sense that you’re focusing on the right things instead of falling into the trap of urgency, or even worse, the trap of procrastination. And that’s what we all want to avoid.

How I Became A Morning Person: From Night Own To An Early Bird In 8 Simple Steps.

From Night Own To An Early Bird A positive change</p> <h4>Table of Contents</h4> <h2>Becoming An Early Bird</h2> <ul><li>When was the last time you enjoyed a peaceful sunrise?</li><li>How could you describe your morning coffee ritual?</li><li>Are you waking up tired and foggy?</li><li>Do you want a more productive morning routine?</li><li>Are you a night…

The 5-Step Weekly Routine For Living A Successful And Happy Life.

First things first: Planning and organizing your week in advance is crucial if you aimed to be successful. Because in order to get the results that you desire to experience you need to plan everything out in detail.
There are no shortcuts in creating a happy, successful and fulfilling life. To achieve the life you want, you need to create a vision of your future self, set SMART goals that align with that vision and develop the action habit that will help you to turn your dreams into realities. In other words, you need to structure the perfect plan for your success and filling your calendar with the right things is the first step in doing so. 

Filling up your weekly schedule with your own priorities will not only maximize your chances of success in life but it will also help you to find happiness in your achievements.

So let’s not waste any more time dreaming about living a successful, happy and fulfilling life. Let’s create healthy habits and powerful weekly routine that will lead you straight towards the life you want. It’s time to address 5 areas of your life and create a weekly routine for success and happiness. Have fun!!

Morning Routine To Reduce Stress And Anxiety: Quarantine Edition.

The Ultimate Morning Routine During The Coronavirus Lockdown</p> <h4>Table of Contents</h4> <h2>From Anxious To Mindful Mind</h2> <p>With the COVID-19 outbreak now a pandemic, the world has become chaotic. We are all experiencing something that has never happened before in human history. Countries are imposing coronavirus lockdowns, hospitals are nearly overwhelmed,…

The 3 x 8 Method Will Immediately Change Your Life For Better!

Let me guess, you wish you could find the way to get more things done during the workday but instead, you’re constantly running out of time desperately trying to finish your never-ending to-do list? Or maybe you’ve tried a thousand things to get inspired, motivated, and prepared to maximize creativity as soon as you wake up but nothing seems to work? Oh my gosh, you have no idea… how much I understand what you’re going through. I used to think that my days are too short to get things done and to be able to finish my work I had to sacrifice my sleep every single night. And I did it. I lived that way for years until I reached the point of burned out and I couldn’t deal with extreme tiredness anymore. I knew that I had to figure out a way to increase my productivity levels without sacrificing my sleep. And I did! After having tested out many approaches, methods, and strategies I’ve finally found the way to get things done, work on a side project, relax, recharge my batteries and get 8 hours of sleep a day. And you know what? Applying this method to your daily life is easier than you think! All you have to do is adopt a positive attitude, make our priorities straight and start using your time effectively and the 3 x 8 method will help you to achieve that! So without further ado, let’s get into it!

10 Powerful Weekend Habits Of The Ultra Successful.

Weekends are meant for slowing down, relaxing and enjoying life’s little pleasures in the company of family and friends but let’s not forget that, these two days off work are also a great opportunity to take some time to reflect on what you accomplished, work on side projects and get ready for the upcoming week. More importantly, if you plan your weekend the right way it will not only create more structure in your life but also it will help you to reach your professional and personal goals faster. Doesn’t that sound great? So without further ado, here’s my method to win the weekend and position yourself for a successful week. I hope it inspires you to plan and structure your next weekend so that you will have time to relax, unwind, have fun and get ready for the upcoming week!

Morning Routine To Reduce Stress And Anxiety - Start Your Day With A Positive Mindset!

The secret to preventing yourself to feel stressed and anxious in the morning is to plan for an ultra-effective day the night before. This means that every single evening you should take some time to plan methodically, organize properly and schedule effectively your day for maximum productivity and optimal rest-breaks. Having it all planned out means being less stressed, more productive and mentally prepared for the new day. An effective plan will give you comfort, peace of mind and a sense that you’re doing the right thing. So every single evening take some time to create your schedule and make a powerful to-do list that will help you get through the next day in a productive and exciting way!

The Ultimate Night Routine For Better Sleep And More Productive Mornings + free printables and checklists for organizing your evenings.

Struggling to fall asleep and staying asleep? Maybe you sufer from a lack of motivation in the mornings? This powerful 3-step night routine and healthy evening habits will definitely improve your sleep and help you to boost your productivity levels in the morning. So stop wasting your time doing the wrong thing! Try this night routine, grab your free printables and checklists for organizing your evenings and get a good night’s sleep!

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