Tag: changes

Are You Suffering Unnecessarily? - 20 Ways You Are Self Sabotaging Your Happiness

Can We Stop With the Self-Sabotage Already? 20 Subtle Ways You Commit Self-Sabotage Without Knowing It And How to stop it</p> <h3>You Create Your own Reality</h3> <p><strong>Nothing has meaning alone</strong>. <strong>We create</strong> <strong>meaning and we bring it to life</strong>. We create <strong>stories</strong> and <strong>narratives</strong> to make sense of the world….

Irrecoverably Lost

We tend to take everything for granted completely forgetting that life can change in a second. That’s why it is so important to practice gratitude , be kind and thankful for every moment of our life, everything we have, every good person we know and every experience life gives us. Life is a gift and we should never forget about this. Changes are built into the human existence

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