Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and completely out of control? Discover 10 things you can CONTROL during extremely chaotic times we’re liv in right now.
Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and completely out of control? Discover 10 things you can CONTROL during extremely chaotic times we’re liv in right now.
Is Self-Help Effective? simple tips and healthy hacks to enjoy your this part of the year</p> <h3>Healing Journey</h3> <blockquote> <p> “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy…
This idea of being permanently happy can only be applied to the present moment and things you do in order to achieve your goals. Because happiness is all about intentional actions you take here and now, not about what you think or feel. Happiness is not a feeling but a state of being you consciously enter through the actions you decide to take.
Sometimes it’s really hard to find motivation and be extremely productive especially if you have a bad day. Motivation is not constant and being busy doesn’t mean being productive. So what is the best and easiest way to find motivation and boost your productivity even if you feel tired, sad or lazy? I write this post to inspire you and help you to boost your motivation and productivity when you feel like doing nothing.
Your messy environment indicates the state of your mind because your personal external space talks a lot about your inner world. You can’t be an organized, productive and inspired person if you live in a complete mess. That’s why decluttering your mind begins from decluttering your external space. So clean your room and next do your thing.
make your background presentable
Discover simple ways to embrace chaos and unpredictability in life and learn how to control the uncontrollable. nevertheless, When it comes to uncertainty, unpredictability, and distrust towards life, the only thing we can do is to accept this. Because it is a fact, an axiom. And like every axiom is a self-evident and undeniable truth. No matter what some people say, I personally believe that we cannot predict unpredictable and control uncontrollable.
Simple ways you embrace a bad day, overcome negative self-talk and handle intrusive thoughts like a boss. Sometimes things don’t go as planned but it doesn’t mean that you live a bad life. Practice mindfulness, leanr to handle anxiety like a boss and adopt a positive mindset.