Tag: consciousness

The Very Reason Why You Should ALWAYS Listen To Your Gut Instinct - the sound of your inner voice.

When we want to take a decision we usually rely on our critical and logical thinking completely forgetting about our sixth sense - our intuition. Some call it “gut feeling” or “gut instinct”, I like to call it my the sound of my inner voice. Our intuition is a precognitive knowledge that helps us make decisions, avoid danger and live in a more authentic way. In other words, “gut instinct” is our best life guidance. Of course the best way to make a conscious decision is to combine gut instinct with critical and logical thinking. So be mindful, listen to your gut and use your logical reasoning and you should be fine.

The Art Of Learning From Mistakes - Why Making Mistakes Is Actually A Good Thing.

Making mistakes it’s essential part of learning process. But to be able to learn your life lesson first you need to admit that you’ve made a mistake and figure out what this situation tells you about the person you are and how you can use this particular mistake into your advantage. This post explain why we shouldn’t see our mistakes as failures and how we can grow from these wrong decisions and evolve into the best version of ourselves.

10 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone An Explanation For

Have you ever been asked an intrusive, very personal or even rude question by a complete stranger and you didn’t know how to behave? I bet you did. Most of us are peaple pleasers and don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings but what about our feelings? In this post I write about 10 things and situations you don’t owe anyone an explanation for. If you feel the need to explain yourself go for it but if you don’t want to talk about your private things with strangers just don’t do it without feeling guilty afterward.

Let Your Self-Care Journey Begin - Free Workbook

Practicing self-care is crucial for your health and wellbeing. That’s why it is so important to make self-care a part of your daily routine. If you find difficult to find some time for self-care because of your busy schedule just schedule times for yourself and use it doing the activities that make you happy, relaxed and paceful. Grab this free prontable workbook and start your self-care journey right now!

Irrecoverably Lost

We tend to take everything for granted completely forgetting that life can change in a second. That’s why it is so important to practice gratitude , be kind and thankful for every moment of our life, everything we have, every good person we know and every experience life gives us. Life is a gift and we should never forget about this. Changes are built into the human existence

Assertiveness - How To Become An Assertive Person.

Let’s focus more on the importance of assertiveness as one of the communication skills we should all acquire for our own good. At this point, we can all probably agree that assertiveness is advocating for yourself in a calm but effective way. In my opinion, assertiveness serves the same purpose as personal boundaries, because it makes you be in control of your own life, helps you protect your inner integrity, makes you empowered and helps you make good and healthy life decisions.

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