Tag: declutter

One Simple Strategy To Organize Your Life In One Day.

The secret to living an organized life is to plan everything in advance. This simple strategy will give you comfort, peace of mind and a sense that you’re focusing on the right things instead of falling into the trap of urgency. Not to mention that having it all planned out means is a synonym of being less stressed, more productive and mentally prepared for what is about to come, or more precisely, what you’re about to accomplish.

8 Simple Ways to Live a More Active Lifestyle.

What’s your excuse for not working out? Are you too tired? You can’t afford a gym membership? You’re struggle with motivation? Or maybe you’re too busy to work out. Well, me too. Or I should probably say I was too busy to work out until I optimized my daily routine, removed all unnecessary activities from my schedule and made space for my daily psysical activity. I build a workout routine that I love and now I don’t have any excuses for not working out. And you know what? Since then I am healthier, happier and my posture drastically improved. Thank goodness… I was beginning to look more like homo computerus than a typical homo sapiens. 

It’s not a secret that sedetary lifestyle is literally killing us. Physical inactivity has been scientifically proven to be a leading cause for many chronic or even terminal diseases. So why risk so much? 

We’re not designed to sit in front of the computer all day every day. Physical inactivity makes us anxious, depressed, obese and just sick. 

Have you ever noticed how good and energetic even a little physical activity makes you feel? It’s because during exercise our body releases endorphins and increases dopamine and serotonin levels. This magic trio made up of your natural happy chemicals is all you need to activate your happiness mode. Furthermore, regular workouts boost your energy levels, reduces stress, increases self-esteem and keep you fit (not to be confused with “being skinny). Need I say more? So instead of looking for an excuse to skip your workout think how great you will feel afterward and hit the gym, go for a walk or do a full body workout at home. Avoid sedetary lifestyle at all costs. Optimize your schedule, improve your daily rotuine and make space for more physical activity! 

5 Step Daily Routine To Start Living Your Best Life.

Lack of a daily structure will get you nowhere in life. If you want to succeed you need a solid daily routine and powerful habits that will help you to achieve your long-term goals. This 5 step daily routine will help you to set a positive mood in the early morning, boost your productivity levels and take powerful action towards your goals. Stop wasting your time and energy for irrelevant and pointless things. Do this instead! Start creating a life you want to have today!

Simple But Powerful Self-Care Tips for Solid Mental Health - be your own therapist

We like to think of �?mind’ and �?body’ as two separate entities with no connection between them. But when it comes to health this way of thinking can lead to a misconception. But
mental health and physical health are closely linked and you should value your mental and physical wellbeing equally. Because if you focus only on building a strong body completely ignoring your mental health you will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Ultimate Way To Overcome Procrastination And Become A Highly Productive Person - you will love this!

“Our brain tricks us into believing the low-hanging fruit really is the ripest,” said the lead researcher, Dr. Nobuhiro Hagura. This is because we, as humans have this tendency to avoid the effortful decision and see a more challenging option as a wrong choice. We are all comfort seeking creatures, therefore, we prefer the solutions we are familiar with. And there’s nothing wrong or strange with that. But if you want to reach your full potential and go beyond imposed limitations you need to challenge yourself otherwise you won’t develop new skills and learn new ways of thinking.

Get Your Shit Together And Regain Control Of Your Life In Just 5 days!

Well, the struggle is real. Considering the fact that life didn’t come with an instruction manual and you cannot be 100% sure what is the best choice before you actually make it you have every right to feel overwhelmed, confused and heartbroken… But only for a little while because once this all calms down it’s time to step up, embrace the creator role, regain control and take your life back once again.

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