Tag: smart goals

How To Take More Action To Achieve Your Goals Faster: 7 Simple Steps.

Taking action is the most important step in getting the intended results. While having a well-designed plan before you put yourself in motion is a necessary step to even think about reaching your goal, it will not guarantee you success. 

Only by taking SMART and MASSIVE ACTION and being consistent with what you do, you can close the gap between your current (unsatisfying) state and desired (fulfilling) state. There’s no magical way your dream come true only because you think intensively about them. 

So if you struggle to turn inaction into ACTION and finally find the courage to pursue your goals then continue to read this post because I’m sharing absolutely tips on how to let go of self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals and how to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION to get the desired results faster and more easily!

How To Profoundly Change Your Life For The Better: 5 Simple Steps.

Every change starts with a conscious decision to challenge the status quo that doesn’t make you fulfilled and content anymore. You are frustrated with the current circumstances in life. The sense of dissatisfaction is only growing and you feel deep inside that you can thrive in life, not just survive You feel you’re meant for something bigger on this planet. So you make a decision to change your life to feel fully fulfilled, happy and content. And the whole process of personal transformation begins…

How To Figure Out What You Want In Life: 12 Simple Exercises.

In a world full of endless options, figuring out what you want in life seems to be a mission impossible. But everything changes when you have the right tools aka exercises to make that happen. So if you’ve been struggling to figure out what you want in life, what do you want to achieve and how do you want to feel, then continue reading this post to find your answers. 

Attention Is Our New Currency. Let’s Exchange It Wisely.

Attention is one of the most important resources that we have. That’s why everyone and everything is fighting for your attention. All the outside world wants YOUR attention. Why? Well, because attention became our new currency. By getting your attention others are making money or feeding their ego. And you must step up and say “NO”. Because if you want to succeed in life you need to FOCUS on what’s truly important for you NOT for others. And to help you with that I wrote this post! 

Essentialism - How To Do Less And Get Better Results.

The concept of Essentialism also called the power of less or the art of prioritizing basically means doing more of what is important to you and cutting out of what isn’t. It’s the ultimate solution to the problem of running gout of time. When you look at it objectively, there is no such thing as too little time. It’s all about how you use your time.  If you think that you could make better use of your time, focus on your top priorities and create a life with substance this post is for you! Because I am about to share with you my tips to apply essentialism to your daily life in order to achieve true greatness (and peace of mind).

5 Morning Rituals I Do To Reach Flow State And Improve My Work Performance.

What all exceptionally successful people have in common? They have morning rituals. Which also means that they all wake up early and I mean, very early. Because if you have ever read or watched an interview with one of the top New York City CEOs or some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world that they are all early birds who wake up somewhere between 5 and 6 a.m. Why they do it? For a couple of reasons.

First of all, being an early riser gives them a great competitive advantage over their competitors who most likely get up around 7 and 8 a.m. Second, they make the best use of the morning peak hours that occur between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Third, waking up early gives them enough time to perform their powerful morning routine and set the right mood for the entire day. Another important thing is that the world in the early morning is the world free from external distractions, which cannot be said about midday. And last but definitely not least, being an early bird means drinking your coffee in peace instead of doing this during your commute to work.

To Procrastinate, Or Not To Procrastinate, That Is The Question. - How To Overcome The Habit Of Procrastination.

Procrastination is only seemingly harmless but in reality is quite dangerous, addictive and harmful. It may not be a deadly sin but it’s definitely a dream killer. Not to mention that it produces ZERO results. So the question you need to ask yourself is what do you want to do with your life? Are you willing to sacrifice instant gratification for a long-term reward or you’re satisfied with what you have already and you’re not interested in making progress in meaningful work? The choice is yours. But before you make this decision you need to consider one thing: do you really want to give up on your goals and dreams? Are you ready to trade an opportunity to succeed for short-time pleasure? And finally, do you really want impulse, emotions and fear of hard work to control your life? Because this is the real cost of procrastination. Are you ready to pay this price? 

The 5-Step Weekly Routine For Living A Successful And Happy Life.

First things first: Planning and organizing your week in advance is crucial if you aimed to be successful. Because in order to get the results that you desire to experience you need to plan everything out in detail.
There are no shortcuts in creating a happy, successful and fulfilling life. To achieve the life you want, you need to create a vision of your future self, set SMART goals that align with that vision and develop the action habit that will help you to turn your dreams into realities. In other words, you need to structure the perfect plan for your success and filling your calendar with the right things is the first step in doing so. 

Filling up your weekly schedule with your own priorities will not only maximize your chances of success in life but it will also help you to find happiness in your achievements.

So let’s not waste any more time dreaming about living a successful, happy and fulfilling life. Let’s create healthy habits and powerful weekly routine that will lead you straight towards the life you want. It’s time to address 5 areas of your life and create a weekly routine for success and happiness. Have fun!!

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