Tag: vision

How To Figure Out What You Want In Life: 12 Simple Exercises.

In a world full of endless options, figuring out what you want in life seems to be a mission impossible. But everything changes when you have the right tools aka exercises to make that happen. So if you’ve been struggling to figure out what you want in life, what do you want to achieve and how do you want to feel, then continue reading this post to find your answers. 

8 Lists That You Need To Create To Reinvent Yourself & Level Up Your Life.

Table of Contents <h3>Level Up Your Life</h3> <p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”>2020 doesn’t spoil us, does it? Since the beginning of the year, a lot of strange, unexpected and shocking things have happened. Australian wildfires, 2020 stock market crash, COVID-19 pandemic, Oil prices reach a record low, the first crewed flight…

Everything Starts In Your Head - 12 Healthy Rules For a Strong Mental Health.

Everything starts in your head. If you want to transform your life you need to focus on your mental wellbeing first, then you can reach your full potential and abilities. Hard work is not enough to succeed. So if you place the main focus on being productive and self-motivated while you’re ignoring your mental health you won’t be able to reach your long-term goals. These two ingredients are extremely important but not enough to create a life that you want. To be able to tap into your full potential and gain the most of this crazy journey we call life you need to build and maintain strong mental health.

The Ultimate Way To Overcome Procrastination And Become A Highly Productive Person - you will love this!

“Our brain tricks us into believing the low-hanging fruit really is the ripest,” said the lead researcher, Dr. Nobuhiro Hagura. This is because we, as humans have this tendency to avoid the effortful decision and see a more challenging option as a wrong choice. We are all comfort seeking creatures, therefore, we prefer the solutions we are familiar with. And there’s nothing wrong or strange with that. But if you want to reach your full potential and go beyond imposed limitations you need to challenge yourself otherwise you won’t develop new skills and learn new ways of thinking.

The Art Of Learning From Mistakes - Why Making Mistakes Is Actually A Good Thing.

Making mistakes it’s essential part of learning process. But to be able to learn your life lesson first you need to admit that you’ve made a mistake and figure out what this situation tells you about the person you are and how you can use this particular mistake into your advantage. This post explain why we shouldn’t see our mistakes as failures and how we can grow from these wrong decisions and evolve into the best version of ourselves.

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