financial management
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 577px) 100vw, 577px" srcset=""/>Let’s talk about finances, shall we?
So before I properly begin, I wanted to give a little disclaimer that just like most people I don’t like talking about money. It is one of these topics that trigger my anxiety and makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. It’s probably because I grew up in a family where money was a taboo subject and as such was simply ignored as if it did not exist. Which is kinda weird, given the times we live in. However, growing up I’ve noticed that my family’s approach to money management wasn’t that unusual. Most of my friends and their parents hated this whole “money talk” and avoided talking about their financial situation at any cost. Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me considering that people love to judge others based on money. That is the world we live in, ladies and gentlemen.
Anyway, the reason why I decided to talk about money, more precisely, mindful money management is that it is an extremely important subject that should be discussed. It’s time to break this taboo. Money is one of this topic you can’t escape in today’s world so instead of acting like this subject does not exist and avoiding talking about your financial situation at any cost let’s try to approach this “money talk” calmly and mindfully.
The Mindful Approach To Money Management
money management
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 612px) 100vw, 612px" srcset=""/>As we’ve already established talking about money is important and necessary especially if you want to improve your financial situation. Without that, you won’t go any further. So instead of ignoring the issue or treating money as an abstract problem, let’s approach it mindfully.
If you still wondering what Mindfulness has to do with Money the answer is: actually quite a lot.
While most people immediately associate Mindfulness with Buddhist meditation tradition and a spiritual self-care practice, western Mindfulness-based techniques are actually utilized in a variety of specific ways as an effective strategy to achieve goals. That is why you can find lots of articles on a mindful approach to business, time management, diet, marriage, procrastination or even tv watching.
So, as you can see the concept of Mindfulness is present in almost every scientific or “quasi-scientific” field.
Well, because Mindfulness teaches us to be fully present, attentive, calm and aware of our internal and external environment without being judgemental or overly critical.
So if you thought that Mindfulness is only about practicing guided meditation or deep breathing exercises it’s not actually true.
Contemporary secular Mindfulness rise from Buddhist religious tradition is about mental training practice designed to improve focus, productivity, emotional intelligence, and self-regulation skills through non-religious meditation, guided imagery and breathing exercises. Furthermore, practicing Western Mindfulness-based techniques serve a specific purpose of developing a natural human ability to be fully present and aware of both internal and external environment. Why is it so important? Well, because being fully present enables you to “stay in the moment”, make conscious decisions and reach your personal and professional goals. In other words, mindfulness techniques help you to achieve a healthy balance and act in alignment with your goals and priorities without adopting different beliefs system or sacrificing your daily routine.
Furthermore, modern Mindfulness techniques are designed to help you succeed in your personal and professional life precisely because they help you to gain mental clarity and a wider perspective on life. So why don’t use Mindfulness to Money Management?
The Relationship Between Mindfulness And Money.
Relationship To Money
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" srcset=""/>Mindful Money Management means:
- Reflect on your financial situation
- Redefine your relationship with money
- Create a successful budget
- Create better spending habits
- Make smart and purposeful financial decisions
- Achieve financial freedom
So how can you use Mindfulness techniques to improve your money management skills? Well, this is my method called: 6 steps to mindful money management that will help you to create a healthy relationship with money!
6 Steps To Mindful Money Management
mindful money management
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 612px) 100vw, 612px" srcset=""/>1. Understand Your Personal Relationship To Money
It is said that your relationships mirror your inner self and I completely agree with that. However, in my personal opinion, this statement refers not only to people but also to animals and things both material and non-material. For this reason, I think that not only your relationships with others (family members, friends, co-workers, your significant other) but also the way you treat, see and think about animals, nature, work, money, food or even Netflix speak a lot about you. But we’re talking about money, right? So what your relationship with money tells about you?
- Take some personal time
- Sit in silence and close your eyes
- Mindfully focus on your breath and bring your attention to the present moment
- Focus on your financial self-reflection without being judgemental or overly critical
- Be honest with yourself and write down your thoughts
This simple task will help you to determine your relationship with money and set a financial plan to achieve your money management goals.
2. Set Financial Goals
Create SMART goals
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 534px) 100vw, 534px" srcset=""/>A goal without a plan is just a wish. ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Having a goal in your mind is not enough to succeed. You have to create an effective plan first and adopt healthy habits that will help you to achieve and maintain your goals. This rule applies for every goal not only a financial one. But talking about financial goals, here are my examples:
- Establish short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals
- Create an Emergency Fund
- Save for retirement or at least start thinking about retirement (even if you are just beginning your career work)
- Assess any debts you have
- Pay off your loans or save money for that
- Pay off Credit Cards
- Live on Less than you earn (that’s how you save your money)
We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like. – Edward Norton
3. Set Up Your Realistic Budget And Stick To It.
mindful money management
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 432px) 100vw, 432px" srcset=""/>Creating an effective spending plan is key to your financial success because it will help you to:
- Calculate your monthly income
- Determine your expenses
- Divide your expenses into different categories (This simple activity will help you to identify your money wasters and define how much extra money you can down on.)
- Put a price tag on all your expenses
- Avoid bad spending habits
- Avoid debt or go out of debt
4. Switch To “Mindful Spending” Mode
mindful spending
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 612px) 100vw, 612px" srcset=""/>Mindful spending means having control over your spendings and make rational purchases. Let’s face it, the temptation is everywhere. Advertising manipulates our purchase choices and spending habits just like marketers compete to create artificial needs that have to be fulfilled immediately and at any costs which only encourages us to mindlessly spend our money. The easiest way to avoid that is to take a deep breath, think about if you really need this product or service and how it will make your life easier and more comfortable. And then ask yourself if you really want to buy it. Be attentive. Be in control.
- Make rational consumer decisions based on your real needs, not artificial ones invented by marketers to sell more and more products
- Plan your shopping (always make a grocery list, use the internet to search for discounts, coupons, and special offers)
- Improve your customer behaviour
- Identify the factors that influence your purchasing habits
- Stop mindlessly spending your money constantly buying new stuff that you don’t even need or use
- Become a mindful buyer who knows exactly what their real needs are
5.Start Saving Up

We love to think that nothing bad will happen if we just keep thinking positively. But the truth is that life is unpredictable and unexpected events do happen whether we like it or not. Of course, you cannot be prepared for any hypothetical problem but you can create your Emergency Fund and prepare yourself for emergencies like medical costs, car repair, home repair, seasonal utility bills or taxes.
- Establish your budget and identify how much extra money you can put on your saving account
- Cut off all unnecessary expenditure
- Identify the money wasters
6. Use Financial Apps
best apps for mental health
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 613px) 100vw, 613px" srcset=""/>- Mint (link) - saving and budgeting app
- Acorns (link) - saving and budgeting app
- PocketGuard (link) - extra money spending app
- You Need a Budget (link) - create a budget within your actual income
- Prism Bills&Money (link) - organizing and paying bills app
- Albert (link) - saving, budgeting and paying a debt app
- Travel Wallet (link) - travel budget and expense app
- Wally (link) - professional expense report app
- Tycoon (link) - Freelancers app
- SnipSnap (link) - digital coupon app
- ShopKick (link) - rewards for shopping online and in-store app
- GroceryIQ (link) - intuitive shopping list app
- Bill Watch (link) - managing, organizing and reminding bills payment app
- Venmo (link) - splitting bills and sharing transactions app
- Personal Capital (link)- investment optimization app
Money is a means, not an end so use it mindfully!
Stay Positive
Be Mindful
and Manage Your Money Mindfully
8 thoughts on “Mindful Money Management”
Live on less than you earn… personally, I think that’s the most important part. I don’t know if the culture is like this where you are, but here it seems like people seem to think that if they have money, they can and should spend it. And that’s why no one ever has money.
That is so true! People spend money like there’s no tomorrow instead of investing them or putting them on their saving account (every dollar counts!). It’s sad how most of the people treat money as an end in itself but not as a means to an end. Thank you for your comment! Have a wonderful day! 😃
You too!
I think I need to re-evaluate my relationship with money because since losing my job it’s become something I’m very self-critical about, worry far too much about, and feel I weigh too much of my personal value on (because of the lack of it!) I’m always very careful with my money but I’m always looking for ways to save or be more savvy with it in general. You’ve shared some great tips, and brilliant app suggestions as there are a lot I’ve not come across. I think getting some control back over your money, at least in terms of generally assessing where you are with it all (know how much is in your accounts, what your income vs outgoings looks like, etc) and generally being more mindful with money can be empowering and help ease a little stress when you feel more on top of it.
Caz xx
Thinking about money gives me anxiety for many different reasons but since I’ve learned to create my budget and adopt a mindful way to shop I feel less anxious. I even started to DIY some of my cosmetic products like face masks and body scrubs. And you know what it’s cheaper and really fun! Not to mention that if you DIY your cosmetic products you know exactly what the ingredients are because most of the cosmetics especially the most expensive ones are incredibly toxic. If I knew how to sew I wouldn’t have to buy clothes!! 😁😁😂 Should I set a new goal?! Thank you, Caz for your comment! Take care and have a wonderful weekend!!!!!😙
Live in less than you earn and not buying things I don’t need are my favorites. Living on less wasn’t always easy for me but I think I can do it now… I hope!
For me, having a budget is the harder part. My husband is good with this but he keeps telling me that I have to learn.
My boyfriend kept telling me the same thing until I’ve learned 😀 Now when I think about it, creating a budget is a form of self-control and self-care because it keeps me less anxious and helps me to focus on my goals. I used to buy lots of cosmetic products or clothes that I didn’t even need or use only because I saw some stupid tv commercial… Oh, my gosh that was so pathetic and unhealthy. Now I spend on essentials and so-called must-haves and I feel so much better. I’ve even started to DIY some of my cosmetic products like body scrubs or face masks. And you know what? It’s not only cheaper but also quite entertaining! Thank you for your comment! Take care and have a wonderful week! 😘😘