Tag: anxiety

How To Deal With Fear Successfully: 6 Steps

Fear is just an emotion. And like any other emotion, it can build up if you indulge in it or it can drop in intensity if you use it to your advantage. It’s all a matter of choice and all the choices are yours. But to be able to make the best possible choices you need two things; knowledge and strategic approach. Without it, you will not be able to understand what message your FEAR has to offer to you. Because there is always a reason why you’re scared. You just need to figure out that reason. Just like any other emotion fear provides valuable information to you, a coded message that you need to understand.

The Art Of Being Unbothered: 5 Simple Ways To Stop Worrying About Things That Don’t Matter.

Our fear of other people’s opinions is self-created, or more precisely self-invented and completely imaginary. It’s not real. But it can be perceived as a real thread. So how can we protect ourselves from others’ negative energy? Well, by practicing the art of being unbothered. And to help you with that here are 5 simple ways to stop worrying and carrying about things that don’t matter.

Finding Peace In An Anxious World: 8 Ways To Deal With Anxiety During Tough Times

The coronavirus pandemic is one of those highly complex situations that are dangerous and beyond your control. However, even if you cannot predict what is going to happen next you can still control how you respond to events in your life. But in order to do it, first, you need to recognize that you are in control of your thoughts. You decide what thought to feed and what to free immediately. You have the power to turn negative thoughts upside down and use less-than-perfect circumstances to your advantage.

If you want to thrive in chaotic and uncertain moments like this, you need to focus on developing a long-lasting positive mindset. Positive thinking and unconditional belief that you can use this crisis to come out stronger will help you to restore mental clarity, look at our current world from many different angles and points of view and make the right decisions about your future.

Wellness Weekend Challenge: 10 Ways To Reset, Relax And Reboot.

Most of us can hardly find time to relax during the week. We’re too busy to navigate through our jam-packed schedule to be able to pause for a second to take a deep breath, let alone having a rest. And then suddenly it’s the weekend, but work fatigue, exhaustion and tiredness make us unable to relax even when given a chance. It’s time to change this negative life pattern! It’s time for a weekend wellness challenge!

From Chaotic Environment To Successful Life - Hit The Reset Button, Change Your Entire Life And Reinvent Yourself.

With the Coronavirus outbreak now pandemic, the world became extremely chaotic, uncertain and almost unreal. I don’t know about you but I feel like I’m living in a movie or a dream. Although I am not sure what kind of movie or dream is it. .. kind of reminds me of Matrix… but I’m not a film expert. But if you ask if if there will be a happy ending, I do believe that it all depends on each and every one of us. Even if it’s hard to predict what is going to happen next it does not mean that we should just sit here and do nothing. Why? Well, that would be a terrible waste of time, energy and potential. A much better solution would be to use these less-than-perfect circumstances to hit the reset button, reprioritize your life, let go of the things that no longer serve you, set new life goals and START FRESH. It’s a new beginning for all of us. It’s time to accept the situation as it is, let go of the things that we cannot control and move towards taking as many constructive actions as possible to make the best of these less-than-perfect circumstances and start planning for a successful future. It’s time for a change! Change is terrifying but exciting at the same time because it opens new opportunities. Without it, you would  likely remain in the same place for your entire life. There would not no self-improvement and personal growth. Change is a sign of life! 

15 Positive Ways to Self-Care During Difficult Times

We are living in extremely stressful and chaotic times, which means that we need to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally to be able to make sense out of this chaos that surrounds us. One of the best ways to achieve this strength is by taking good care of your physical health and mental wellbeing. Most of us know that we should prioritize self-care but when it comes to practising it suddenly it turns out that we are too busy. Our schedules are insanely overbooked with things that were due yesterday. Our brains are incredibly overloaded by insane amounts of information that is impossible to memorize or even process. And I don’t know about you, but news has never made me so anxious before. I start thinking that “Headline stress disorder” is a real thing. And I am not kidding. Yes, this is a terrifying, frightening time for everyone but instead of giving in to the fear and panic, we should do our best to stay calm and safe. And what better way to do that if not by making more time for practising self-care and self-reflection?

How To Be Productive During The Pandemic - 10 Powerful Tips For Working From Home Effectively.

Whether you work from home during the Coronavirus Pandemic or thinking about starting a side hustle you need a good strategy that will help you to work effectively, create motivation and stay focus on your goals during these chaotic times. That’s why today I am sharing with you 10 powerful tips on how to boost your mental focus, make your productivity skyrocket and get in the flow. But before you start reading, I just want to remember you that this situation is temporary and even if we cannot control it we can STILL control how we respond to it. So make good use of this “time off”. You are in control of your life, time and productivity levels. Don’t wait for the future, create it RIGHT NOW. Keep your head up. You got this! 

Morning Routine To Reduce Stress And Anxiety: Quarantine Edition.

The Ultimate Morning Routine During The Coronavirus Lockdown</p> <h4>Table of Contents</h4> <h2>From Anxious To Mindful Mind</h2> <p>With the COVID-19 outbreak now a pandemic, the world has become chaotic. We are all experiencing something that has never happened before in human history. Countries are imposing coronavirus lockdowns, hospitals are nearly overwhelmed,…

12 Life-Changing Habits of Highly Motivated People

Highly motivated people know that motivation is created intentionally and deliberately through actions, action sequences, and OTHER habits. There is nothing accidental or surprising about this process. There is no magical way you become insanely motivated just by thinking intensely about it. You need to take action that will trigger your motivation. And then once you become motivated to work towards your goals you need to fuel your motivation and keep the fire burning on the journey to your dreams. Why? well, because motivation is NOT constant. You need to take action, then another action and then… 

I’m sure you’re starting to see a pattern here…

Those “motivation fueling” actions, action sequences, and simple habits will help you to set a specific and sustainable rhythm of your daily life. And once you define the rhythm of your daily life you will no longer wait for motivation to strike and inspire you to start your new projects. 

In other words, if you want to be highly motivated you need to be active mentally and physically instead of waiting for something or someone to motivate you. 

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