Tag: vision board

“The Laws of Goal Setting Universe” Workbook Is Finally Here And You Will Love It!

“The Laws of Goal Setting Universe” Workbook: The Formula For Success In Setting & Achieving Goals” is a 100-page workbook designed to help you create a crystal clear vision of your future, set the right goals (in alignment with your vision and purpose), create a successful mindset, and develop smart tactics (habits, routines, rituals) that will help you achieve your objectives faster and more easily.

How To Figure Out What You Want In Life: 12 Simple Exercises.

In a world full of endless options, figuring out what you want in life seems to be a mission impossible. But everything changes when you have the right tools aka exercises to make that happen. So if you’ve been struggling to figure out what you want in life, what do you want to achieve and how do you want to feel, then continue reading this post to find your answers. 

How To Set Goals For 2021 And Achieve Them.

2020 has made us realize that we are capable of much more than we ever thought. So don’t give up on your dreams. Just because you could not make them true in 2020 it does not mean that it’s impossible. But it is also true that no real accomplishment will be possible without hard work, positive mindset and constant belief that you will achieve it. 

So take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves and prepare yourself for the first step in regaining control over your life. Because today we’re setting goals for 2021!

8 Lists That You Need To Create To Reinvent Yourself & Level Up Your Life.

Table of Contents <h3>Level Up Your Life</h3> <p style=”text-align: left;” align=”center”>2020 doesn’t spoil us, does it? Since the beginning of the year, a lot of strange, unexpected and shocking things have happened. Australian wildfires, 2020 stock market crash, COVID-19 pandemic, Oil prices reach a record low, the first crewed flight…

From Chaotic Environment To Successful Life - Hit The Reset Button, Change Your Entire Life And Reinvent Yourself.

With the Coronavirus outbreak now pandemic, the world became extremely chaotic, uncertain and almost unreal. I don’t know about you but I feel like I’m living in a movie or a dream. Although I am not sure what kind of movie or dream is it. .. kind of reminds me of Matrix… but I’m not a film expert. But if you ask if if there will be a happy ending, I do believe that it all depends on each and every one of us. Even if it’s hard to predict what is going to happen next it does not mean that we should just sit here and do nothing. Why? Well, that would be a terrible waste of time, energy and potential. A much better solution would be to use these less-than-perfect circumstances to hit the reset button, reprioritize your life, let go of the things that no longer serve you, set new life goals and START FRESH. It’s a new beginning for all of us. It’s time to accept the situation as it is, let go of the things that we cannot control and move towards taking as many constructive actions as possible to make the best of these less-than-perfect circumstances and start planning for a successful future. It’s time for a change! Change is terrifying but exciting at the same time because it opens new opportunities. Without it, you would  likely remain in the same place for your entire life. There would not no self-improvement and personal growth. Change is a sign of life! 

Discover The Easiest Way To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick, Set Your Goals For 2020 & Smash Them!

Setting 2020 Goals and actually stick to them!</p> <h4>Table of Contents</h4> <h3>”twenty-twenties”</h3> <p>There’s no time to waste, so let’s get started! Let’s plan, visualize your short-term future and evolve in your future self! 10 Simple Steps To Become Your Future Self 1. New Year’s Resolutions - how to make them…

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