Stress-Free Christmas
That Are More Than Surviving The Holidays
Table of Contents
8 Secrets To A Stress-Free Christmas
Christmas is considered to be the time of great joy filled with beautiful celebrations, delicious indulgence, and a peaceful atmosphere, but in reality, for most people, it is also one of the most hectic, stressful, and emotionally draining times of the year.
Why? Well most probably because of the overwhelming pressure to fulfill great hopes and insanely high expectations of this special time of the year most of us have.
We put so much work into creating a cozy family atmosphere filled with unique presents, delicious food, and family traditions that we’re too mentally and physically drained to actually enjoy the Holiday season. That’s insane!
We’re focused so much on making these couple of days beautiful, cherished and memorable that we completely forget that Christmas should be about a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere free from stress, overwhelming pressure, and questionable financial decisions to regret later on.
Christmas is not only about showing your loved ones you genuinely care about them but also about taking care of yourself while you do that. So don’t forget to take good care of yourself during the holiday season!
Take some time for yourself during the Holiday season and engage in self-care practices that will help you not only cope with Christmas anxiety but also boost your health, happiness and wellbeing.
less STRESS, more FUN
less FEAR, more HOPE

emotional self-care
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 533px) 100vw, 533px" srcset=""/>1. Plan, Prioritize & Simplify
GOAL: Boost Your Mental Energy
- Make a powerful to-do list (include healthy eating, working out, quality “me time”, self-care, journaling, powerful Christmas rituals and anything YOU WANT!)
- Write a Christmas not-to-do list
- Be realistic with your Christmas bucket list (not to be confused with a to-do list)
- Set short-term (Christmas) goals
- Set 3 daily Intentions
- Set 3 Daily Priorities
- Schedule Time To Relax
- Schedule time for quality rest!
"The Goal Achiever" Workbook

5 FREE Pages From This Workbook

2. Engage In A Healthy Cooking & Eating Extravanganza
GOAL: Celebrate Your Body
- Create a new Christmas tradition
- Bring out your inner chef and cook delicious and healthy Christmas meals
- Try new recipes and prepare Holiday treats that will delight your taste buds and impress your friends
- Be mindful about what you consume and how much you need to feel satisfied, not full
- Indulge in a healthy way (MY Tip: keep ketogenic snacks on hand)
- Avoid overindulging during this tempting holiday season (keep healthy snacks on hand)
- Do CLEAN EATING grocery shopping BEFORE Christmas and pay attention to Nutrition Labels on Food BEFORE you buy it (this way you will have NO excuses for not eating healthy)
- Practice MINDFUL EATING here
- Prepare delicious KETOGENIC desserts, your pancreas will be grateful for this (go for low carb and high-fat goodies!)
- Drink cinnamon dark hot CHOCOLATE without marshmallows BUT with delicious healthy heavy cream to warm yourself up on cold Christmas evening (unless you’re spending your Christmas In Australia)
- If you drink ALCOHOL, drink in moderation to avoid a hangover and embarrassment at a Christmas party
- Control your SUGAR intake (Switch sugar for raw organic honey and eat it in moderation)
- Avoid EMPTY calories (homemade healthy versions of fast foods taste BETTER!)
- Incorporate SUPERFOODS into your Christmas diet! (did you know that dark chocolate is a superfood?!!!!)
- If you eat out just try to stick to HEALTHY options
- Drink plenty of WATER

Do you want to:
- Throw the perfect Christmas party?
- Make delicious desserts?
- Impress your friends and family?
That’s exactly what the Ultimate Holiday Cooking Bundle is all about: 23 products worth $307.07 to help you:
- create a full meal with ease
- organize your kitchen in preparation
- make delicious desserts
- impress your friends and family
- and more
Imagine being able to feed your family and actually enjoy the process?
When you’re able to plan ahead, and have resources to help you every step of the way, your experience of the holidays will be like no other year.
You’ll find all the resources you need (and more) in the Ultimate Holiday Cooking Bundle.
When you buy the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle you’ll get access to:
- 13 eBooks
- 7 Printables
- 3 eCourses
Best of all, you can get it all for just $19.97.
As the holidays get closer, do you find yourself wanting to make some yummy desserts, but wish you had something new to make?
As much as we love the typical cookies and pies, it’s fun when we can add something new and unique into the mix
That’s why I am so excited to tell you about a free class coming up!
My friends at Ultimate Bundles have teamed up with Cate Brubaker, blogger at International Desserts, to present a FREE class called: German Holiday Treats that Will Delight Your Taste Buds and Impress Your Friends
In this free workshop, you’ll learn how to make German rum balls as well as German mulled wine!
Cate helps busy home bakers make desserts, sweets, and snacks from Europe (and beyond!) that get lots of oohhhs and aahhhs from family and friends. She used to live in Germany, has worked on four continents, and now shares her favorite recipes from her North Carolina kitchen.
once on Monday, December 6th at 3pm ET
Register for Germany Holiday Treats that Will Delight Your Taste Buds and Impress Your Friends right here.
Best Clean Eating & Shopping Apps
- Fooducate - eat better - Nutrition & Diet Tracker iOS / Android
- Shopwell here - your pocket-sized nutritionist and grocery food scanner
- True Food Kitchen - clean eating app here
- Nutrifix - Find Healthy Food here
- Meal IQ - “Intelligent Meal Planning & Shopping” here
- SideChef: Recipes+Meal Planner - healthy eating habits app iOS / Android
Free Healthy Eating Worksheets

intellectual self-care
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 533px) 100vw, 533px" srcset=""/>3. Indulge In Self-Care
GOAL: Embrace Your Uniqueness
- Stay active and exercise during the Holidays (get a bit creative with exercise and opt for fun ways to get a least 30 minutes of physical activity a day)
- Practice 7 types of rest
- Get Quality Sleep On A Regular Basis (Dedicate 7-8 hours a day for a quality rest)
- Create powerful morning rituals for health, happiness, and a positive mindset
- Practice a healthy night routine
- Create Relaxing Home Spa (Christmas) Experience
- Stimulate your brain with activities that bring you joy and happiness (read, listen to podcasts, watch Ted talks)
- Cultivate your Creative Genius (try new things, be an attentive listener, expand your interests, be curious, embrace your inner child)
- Cultivate your Creative Genius (try new things, be an attentive listener, expand your interests, be curious, embrace your inner child)
Best Posts On Self-Care
- How To Make An Epic Self-Care Kit For Strong Mental Health + Freebies!
- How To Create A Simple Self-Care Routine That Will Make You Thrive + Free Printables & Checklists!
- Natural and Non-Toxic Personal Care Products To Indulge Yourself With For The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual.
- 7 Steps to Detox Your Mental Wellbeing. – Cleanse Your Mind for a More Positive Life
- Everything Starts In Your Head – 12 Healthy Rules For a Strong Mental Health.
Best Self-Care Apps
- Calm Meditation and Sleep Stories (Android; iOS)
- Happify: for Stress & Worry (iOS and Android)
- Headspace (Android; iOS)
- Breathe2Relax (Android; iOS)
- Anxiety Reliever (Android; iOS)
- Self-help for Anxiety Management (iOS)
- Sanvello (Android; iOS)
- Worry Watch (iOS)
- Rain Rain (Android; iOS)
- Panic Relief (Android; iOS)
- SAM App (Android; iOS)
- What’s Up? - A Mental Health App (iOS and Android)
- MoodTools - Depression Aid (iOS and Android)
- MindShift CBT - Anxiety Canada (iOS and Android)
- Self-help for Anxiety Management (iOS and Android)
- Happier (iOS)
- Smiling Mind Meditation for all ages (iOS and Android)
- MY3 Suicide Prevention (iOS and Android)
- PTSD Coach - not only for Veterans (iOS and Android)
- NOCD: Effective care for OCD (iOS)
- RR: Eating Disorder Management (iOS and Android)
- Rise Up + Recover: An Eating Disorder Monitoring and Management Tool for Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, and EDNOS (iOS and Android)
- CBT Thought Diary
#1 Free Mood & Thought Journal (iOS and Android)
4. Nurture Your Tribe
GOAL: Bond with those you love.
- Plan quality time with your family, friends, and loved ones (not only at the Christmas table)
- Spend the Holiday season ONLY in good company & Engage yourself in positive social situations (office Christmas party, family Christmas dinner, Christmas lunch with friends, Christmas shopping with loved ones)
- Avoid toxic people that have a natural talent to ruin even the most beautiful and magical atmosphere of the Holiday season (Don’t go home to see family if it damages your mental health)
- If you have to interact with a negative person use the Gray Rock Method (The Gray Rock Method is essentially about coming across as a boring, uninterested, indifferent, and monotonous person. It is intended to make a toxic person lose attraction to you.)
- Cultivate the very best relationship with yourself!
- Be assertive & protect your personal boundaries (if it feels like a NO, it’s a NO, if it feels like a YES then it’s a YEs) - say “no” politely to things you don’t want to do
social self-care
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" srcset=""/>
5. Nourish Your Soul
GOAL: Nourish Your Soul
- Honor and remember loved ones during your holiday celebrations (I live an empty chair at the Christmas table for my dad who passed away earlier this year)
- Create and practice your sacred Christmas ritual - create the meaning behind the person you are
- Listen and honor your intuition (If you have a gut feeling about someone or something, there’s a reason for that!)
- Keep a self-reflecting journal to develop self-awareness and strengthen your self-relationship
- Get outside your comfort zone - every day do at least one challenging activity or task that will make you feel happy and proud of yourself
- Nurture your inner child - Treat yourself as you might treat your own inner child with kindness, understanding, love, and support
- Cultivate gratitude to increase your happiness and boost your mood
- Respond not React - (“life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it”)
- Practice letting go of what you cannot control (journal, scream out loud, punch a pillow, cry if you need it)
6. Take Control Of Your Finances
GOAL: Be Mindful with Holiday spending
- Establish your financial boundaries for the Christmas season
- Set a Christmas budget and stick to it
- Divide your Christmas expenses into different Categories
- Create an effective Christmas shopping plan that will help you to save your money, energy, and time
- Be a Mindful Consumer (even during this tempting Holiday season)
- DIY Christmas gifts & Christmas cards
- Use Holiday Budgeting Apps to stay on top of your finances
Best Christmas Shopping Apps Of 2021
- Red Laser Barcode Scanner + QR Reader (iOS / Android)
- ShopSavvy - Barcode Scanner and Price Comparison (iOS / Android)
- CouponCabin - easy-to-use coupon & cashback app (iOS / Android)
- Santa’s Bag - Christmas Gift List & Budget (iOS)
- Christmas Gifts and Budget (Android)
- Xmas Gifts List (Android)
- Christmas Gift List - Track Xmas gift ideas (Android
- Giftster - wish list registry (iOS /Android)
- GiftPlanner - Christmas Gift List Organizer (iOS
- Discount Calculator - Price Comparison & Sales Tax $ (iOS / Android)
- Gilt - Shop Designer Sales (iOS / Android)
- Amazon (iOS / Android)
Best Financial Apps Of 2021
- Qapital here - Banking designed with your goals in mind
- Wally here - professional expense report app
- Mint here - saving and budgeting app
- Digit here - saving app
- Every Dollar here - budget tool and expense tracker
- Acorns here - saving and budgeting app
- You Need a Budget here - create a budget within your actual income
- Prism Bills&Money here - organizing and paying bills app
- Bill Watch here - managing, organizing and reminding bills payment app
- Albert here - saving, budgeting and paying a debt app
- Tycoon here - Freelancers app
- Personal Capital here - investment optimization app
- PocketGuard here - extra money spending app here - categorizes and organizes your expenses, monthly bills, and subscriptions
- Travel Wallet iOS / Android - travel budget and expense app

Best Resources On Personal Finance
- Personal Finance Books
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Robert T. Kiyosaki
- The Richest Man in Babylon Paperback by George S. Clason
- The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing by Mel Lindauer
- The intelligent investor by Brando Graham
- Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century by Napoleon Hill
- Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
- Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money by Vicki Robin
- You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero
- The Total Money Makeover Workbook by Dave Ramsey
- The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferriss
- The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley
- I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works by Ramit Sethi
- The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey
- Start Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them by Garrett Sutton
- Youtube Channels
- Bloomberg TV Markets and Finance
- MoneyTalks News
- GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney)
- Bigger Pockets
- The Financial Diet
- SeedTime Money
- Podcasts
- Financial Times – Banking Weekly
- Morgan Stanley Ideas Podcast
- Bloomberg Masters in Business Podcast
- Bloomberg P&L
- Exchanges at Goldman Sachs
- Financial Times News Briefing
- Financial Modeling Podcast
- Motley Fool Money
- Blogs on Business & Personal Finance
- Financial Samurai
- I Will Teach You to Be Rich
- Business Insider
- Real-Time Economics
- Freakonomics
- The Consumerist
- Calculated Risk
- The Conscience of a Liberal
- Board games
- Cashflow
- Monopoly
christmas self care
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 534px) 100vw, 534px" srcset=""/>Best Posts About Christmas:
- How to Manage Christmas When You Suffer from Anxiety Disorder HERE
- Smart Ways to Eat Healthy During the Christmas season HERE
- Unique and Inexpensive Gifts for Christmas 2019 HERE
- Christmas on a Budget: 7 Powerful Hacks to Budget, Plan & Organize Debt-Free Christmas HERE
- How to Eat Mindfully HERE
- 7 Steps to Detox Your Mental Wellbeing. – Cleanse Your Mind for a More Positive Life HERE
- 8 Simple Ways to Live a More Active Lifestyle HERE
- 6 Simple Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle HERE

7. Give Yourself Time To Breathe
GOAL: Set Yourself Up For Successful Future
- Stop - Give Yourself permission to stop for a moment (Living every single moment to the fullest doesn0t mean that you have to be hyperactive all the time. Sometimes a moment of pause is everything you need to boost your wellbeing and center yourself)
- Breathe - Just stop for a moment and take a few big, deep breaths to relax, reduce tension, and relieve Holiday stress.
- Write - Keep a journal during the Holiday season to track your emotions, understand your emotional state and reduce Holiday stress
- Practice being present - use your five senses to create a Mindfulness experience life at the moment (the present moment is the only one that truly exists)
- Meditate or listen to relaxing music to declutter your mind and free your mental space
- Track your mood - pay attention to your emotional health
- Connect with nature
8. Quality Over Quantity
GOAL: Collect memories, not material things
- Learn a new skill and boost your creative potential - have something to move forward to in the future
- Master the habit of delaying gratification and self-control
- Create a new Christmas tradition
- DIY Christmas gifts
- Give experiences instead of gifts - create memories that will last a lifetime (online courses, gym membership, theatre tickets, annual opera subscription)
- Reduce plastic use during the Holiday season - Minimizing the amount of single-use plastic we consume during the Holiday season may be challenging but still possible!
- Be a mindful customer
environmental self-care
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 533px) 100vw, 533px" srcset=""/>Get FREE Workbooks
Create A Balanced Life FREE printable Workbook
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 724px) 100vw, 724px" srcset=""/>P.S.
Stay Positive
Be Mindful
and keep your healthy habits on track during the Holidays
xo Kate