Tag: change

7 Powerful Mindset Shifts To End 2020 Strong And Start 2021 The Right Way.

2020. A year of chaos. A year of contrasts. A year of lost expectations. A year of new opportunities. A year of personal transformation. A year of social movements. A year of taking responsibility for your own life and the future of the whole society. A year of major changes. A year of losing and regaining control. A year of great spiritual awakening. 

2020 has changed everything. Our perception of time. Our idea of modern society. Our understanding of prosperity. Our habits. Our attitude. Our way of thinking. 

If there had never been 2020 we would never even take into consideration to rethink our perspective on life. 

The end of 2020 is our time to fully choose who we truly are and in what direction we want to go as individuals and as a society. 

The time has come to rethink your choices, reanalyze your actions, break from traditional paths, reshape your life and redefine the relation between individual and society. 

2020 is our undeniable chance to build a better world for us as a human race. 

How To Navigate Massive Life Change Like A Badass: 5-Step Process Of Going After The Life You Want During Uncertain Times.

Life is like a kaleidoscope, everything changes, nothing stands still. We never know what is going to happen next. Is it scary? Yes! But at the same time, it’s incredibly exciting! Change is not something you can avoid, ignore or deny. Of course, you can try it but it will only create pain and sorrow. A much better solution is to accept, embrace and adapt to change. If you find the courage to do that you will be able to create a positive adjustment and use these less-than-perfect circumstances to your advantage. This change is an incredible opportunity for growth but “You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them.”

The opportunity for growth is knocking at your door. Are you ready to open the door? Are you ready to create a positive adjustment and go after the life you want? If your answer is yes, here are my 5-step process to adjust positively to a massive change. It’s time to focus on what is in your control. It’s time to embrace change in a way that allows you to thrive. So without further ado, let’s get into this!

Are You Suffering Unnecessarily? - 20 Ways You Are Self Sabotaging Your Happiness

Can We Stop With the Self-Sabotage Already? 20 Subtle Ways You Commit Self-Sabotage Without Knowing It And How to stop it</p> <h3>You Create Your own Reality</h3> <p><strong>Nothing has meaning alone</strong>. <strong>We create</strong> <strong>meaning and we bring it to life</strong>. We create <strong>stories</strong> and <strong>narratives</strong> to make sense of the world….

Everything Starts In Your Head - 12 Healthy Rules For a Strong Mental Health.

Everything starts in your head. If you want to transform your life you need to focus on your mental wellbeing first, then you can reach your full potential and abilities. Hard work is not enough to succeed. So if you place the main focus on being productive and self-motivated while you’re ignoring your mental health you won’t be able to reach your long-term goals. These two ingredients are extremely important but not enough to create a life that you want. To be able to tap into your full potential and gain the most of this crazy journey we call life you need to build and maintain strong mental health.

Simple But Powerful Self-Care Tips for Solid Mental Health - be your own therapist

We like to think of ‘mind’ and ‘body’ as two separate entities with no connection between them. But when it comes to health this way of thinking can lead to a misconception. But
mental health and physical health are closely linked and you should value your mental and physical wellbeing equally. Because if you focus only on building a strong body completely ignoring your mental health you will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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