The Ultimate Guide To Not Giving A Fuck About The Things That Don’t Matter.

how not to give a fuck about things that don’t matter

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how not to give a fuck about things that don’t matter

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Don't let meaningless things to ruin your inner peace

simple tips and healthy hacks to not give a f*ck about things that don’t matter and focus on what’s really important

Is This Really Important?

We tend to place too much importance on things that not only don’t matter but also don’t add anything positive to our lives. As a consequence, we waste our time and energy on meaningless, unimportant and ridiculous stuff… it’s unbelievable. The truth is that life gets a lot better when you stop giving a f*ck about everyone you meet and everything that happens. You become mentally free.  

How do you know you give too many fu*cks? Well, if you are constantly running out of time it’s a clear sign that you fall into the trap of worrying too much about the things that don’t matter. But hey, don’t panic. Read this post, learn about fabulous and empowering art of not giving a f*ck, take your power back and reclaim your life!

Most of us struggle throughout our lives by giving too many fucks in situations where fucks do not deserve to be given. - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Chapter 1

Mark Manson Tweet
listen to your intuition

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listen to your intuition

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The Art of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is an essential key to success in creating a healthy balance and feeding your life purpose. 

Cultivating self-reflection and self-awareness is just like adding these fresh, high-quality ingredients to your meal. You can eat for pleasure, not hunger. You can live with a purpose not just “drifting” through it. All depends on you. If you’re ready to take the journey of self-reflection just stand in front of the mirror of your life and explore your consciousness. Take time to delve deeper into yourself. Ask yourself what you need in your life to make it healthy, tasteful and delicious and start adding fresh, high-quality and nutrient-dense ingredients. 

Ask yourself these questions and learn your answers by heart.

  1. Am I living on purpose?
  2. What are my personal values?
  3. What are my priorities in life?
  4. What makes me feel empowered?
  5. What motivates me to do a good job?
  6. What is my superpower?
  7. What has to happen in my life to make me say that I am permanently happy?
  8. If I had to choose only one word to describe my personality what would it be?
  9. Is my glass half-full or half-empty?
  10. What I was dreaming about last night?

Make Yourself Strong NOT Safe

Sacred Rules for not Giving a F*ck (about the things that don't matter)

  1. It’s okay to NOT have it all figured out. (You can create an amazing outcome without knowing exactly what you want to achieve.)
  2. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. (The pain appears when we have experienced something traumatic but suffering is the fruit of our storytelling.)
  3. Live life in the here and now
  4. You are the creator of your own destiny (Be an Active Participant, not a scared and Passive Spectator of your life.)
  5. Motivation thrives from the action - so take intentional action and move forward
  6. Life is too short to take everything so seriously
  7. Inner peace is the new success (Set peace of mind as your highest goal)
  8. Being assertive is the radical act of self-care
  9. Letting go of the fear of critique is the act of self-love
  10. Simplicity is the key to success
  11. Freedom is responsibility
  12. Mental freedom is a choice
rules of not giving a fuck

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rules of not giving a fuck

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What you aim at determines what you see.

Jordan Peterson Tweet
embrace your uniqueness

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embrace your uniqueness

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Things You Should Give a F*ck About

  1. Your mental and physical health (Never ignore signs from your body)
  2. Personal well-being
  3. Creating a life-work balance (3 x 8h rule)
  4. Quality over quantity
  5. Your loved-ones (Focus on relationships that add value in your life)
  6. Your core values
  7. Your inner voice (Intuition is your inner wisdom, your instinctive awareness, your “gut feeling” that when it’s heard and accepted becomes your internal guidance system.)
  8. Eating a healthy diet (Food is your fuel)
  9. The 80/20 Pareto Principle (Focus on that 20% that generate 80% of the results)
  10. Personal growth and self-improvement
  11. Facing your fears 
  12. Aligning your goal with your life purpose
  13. Creating a healthy and strong relationship with yourself
  14. Making yourself your number 1 priority
  15. Being Mindful

Giving too many fucks is bad for your mental health. It causes you to become overly attached to the superficial and fake, to dedicate your life to chasing a mirage of happiness and satisfaction. The key to a good life is not giving a fuck about more; it's giving a fuck about less, giving a fuck about only what is true and immediate and important. - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Chapter 1

Mark Manson Tweet

Things You Should STOP Giving a F*ck About

  1. What if’s - You can’t change your past BUT you can learn from it.
  2. All the should’s that makes you unhappy
  3. Society’s “Perfection” Standards - Stop pursuing someone else’s dreams and perfection that doesn’t exist.
  4. Current beauty and fashion standards
  5. Past mistakes - You can’t change the actual events themselves, but you can look at them from a different perspective and try to turn them into your advantage. Besides failures and mistakes are the best teachers! 
  6. Not having everything figured out 
  7. Social labels and categories  - You should only pay attention to labels on food and cosmetic products.
  8. Pleasing others - Being a people-pleaser is an act of self-sabotage.
  9. The opinion of others -Worrying too much about what other people think will make you paranoid.
  10. Being judged by others Everybody judges everybody… so what?!
  11. Other people’s approval - you don’t need to satisfy other people’s expectations.
  12. Not being perfect -“Perfection is the illusion of a mind trying to control itself.”
  13. Not being enough - First of all, you’re enough and secondly, you can always improve.
  14. Being nice all the time - Being likable is not always under your control. 
  15. Always following the rules - “But we’re never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy”
  16. Portraying yourself just one certain way.
  17. Gossip - it’s toxic, damaging and time-wasting
  18. People who bring negativity into your live
  19. Negative headlines that make you anxious and afraid of getting out of the house - Bad news dominates headlines because negative messages get much more attention than the positive ones.
  20. 100% clean eating diet - The world’s not going to end is you eat something that is not 100% organic, locally sourced, non-GMO, free of antibiotics, hormones, and additives every once in a while. 
  21. Picture Perfect life created on Social Media - #reallife happens when you put your phone down
  22. Material wealth and possessions - Happiness and life satisfaction come from experiences, not material things.
  23. Things that you cannot control, fix or change - Accept it, free yourself from emotional garbage and move on.
things not to care about

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Not everyone gets the same version of me. One person might tell you I’m an amazingly beautiful soul. Another person will say I’m a cold-hearted asshole – believe them both, I act accordingly.

Unknown Tweet
embrace chaos

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embrace chaos

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Giving Too Many F*cks Is A Trap

Life is full of traps and they are out to specifically get you when you’re giving a fuck about everything and everyone without careful thought. So keep an eye out, you don’t want to fall into traps on the way to success.

  1. Brake free from the perfectionist trap - Don’t make life any more difficult than it already is.
  2. Control Your Ego to Advance in Life
  3. Get rid of overwhelming thoughts (on a regular basis)
  4. Ditch the victim mentality - You are responsible for your life
  5. Reality vs Illusion - is this your true reality or your dramatic storytelling?
  6. Labeling yourself and others - Broad labels and categories only lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings.
  7. The Comparison trap- “Rule 4: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today” ― Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

Find Some Middle Ground

3 x 8h rule - The Sacred Equilibrium

Time is our most precious resource but the majority of us don’t use it efficiently. We confuse being busy with getting the right things done and as a consequence, we find it difficult to keep up and meet deadlines. It’s frustrating.   

When the truth is, there is a huge difference between being active and being productive. Being busy won’t bring you any closer to accomplish your goal. because it’s not about the time you put in, but about how ell you spend that time. So if you want to be more productive and effective, you need to work smarter not harder… and you need a quality restful sleep. Otherwise, you will not be able to focus and concentrate on your task because even a small amount of sleep deprivation can negatively affect your cognitive performance. So instead of working more and sleeping less create a solid routine, prioritize your tasks and fit relaxation into your busy schedule. Try my 3 x 8h rule and split your day into three 8h parts (8h or work, 8h of mindful relaxation, 8h of sleep) and see how it works for you. Stop sacrificing your sleep and “me time” desperately trying to convince yourself that it will give you the greater outcome. Instead, create a work-life balance and learn to manage your time more effectively. Don’t forget that you are a human being not human “doing”!

life balance

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life balance

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Finding something important and meaningful in your life is perhaps the most productive use of your time and energy. Because if you don’t find that meaningful something, your fucks will be given to meaningless and frivolous causes. - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Chapter 1

Mark Manson Tweet

Best Posts About Life Balance:

  1. The Power of Letting Go HERE
  2. Everything Starts in your Head HERE
  3. Time Alone with a Purpose HERE
  4. 6 Simple Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle HERE
  5. Free Yourself from Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts HERE
  6. How to Start Eating Mindfully HERE
  7. Put Yourself in a Positive Headspace HERE
  8. It’s just a Bad Day Not a Bad Life HERE

Focus on Your Priorities

So you gave too many f*cks about the things that really don’t matter and now you’re running out of time and excuses…

black and white thinking

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black and white thinking

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The Pareto Principle - Do More By Doing Less

Still trying to figure out why being busy is not giving you results? Have you heard about the 80/20 Pareto Principle?

According to the Pareto Principle, 20% of your work produces 80% of the result. Which means that if you manage to identify that 20% correctly you will spend more time doing the right things that will produce the greatest outcome. More important this simple rule, the invention of Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto will help you to reduce time-wasters that destroy your productivity and effectiveness. So the key to success is to eliminate those unnecessary things that produce only minimal gains and focus on that 20% that generate 80% of the results. In other words, if something is not your priority it may not be worth your time and effort. 

However, this 80/20 principle can be successfully applied to other not work-related areas of your life. Just try to analyze your spendings, “me time”, diet, fitness or even your friendships using the Pareto Principle and you will notice that 20% of time and effort you dedicate to each of these areas gives you the 80% of fulfillment and personal satisfaction. It’s incredible, isn’t it? 

You can use the 20/80 Pareto Principle to set your priorities, eliminate your distractions and focus on personal and professional growth. 24 hours a day can be enough to get the most important things done if you eliminate distractions and time-wasters (in every area of your life). 

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Albert Einstein Tweet

Have you checked my FREE printable workbooks on self-care and prioritizing life? If not, you can DOWNLOAD your 2 FREE workbooks here, just CLICK on the photos!

Stay Positive

Be Mindful

And Stop Giving a F*ck about Things that Don’t Matter!

xo Kate

Remember to SHARE


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12 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide To Not Giving A Fuck About The Things That Don’t Matter.

  1. I get stuck on the part where I figure out what has to happen in order to make me permanently happy. The idea of lasting happiness is so foreign to me that I have no idea what this looks like, and the things I thought would make me happy (having a wife and family, for example) are also so unknown to me that I really don’t know if they would make me happy after all…

    1. This idea of being permanently happy can only be applied to the present moment. Because happiness (in my personal opinion) is all about intentional actions you take, not about what you think or feel at a particular time. You need to listen to your intuition, embrace your true self and take advantage of the situation you’re in (whatever that may be). Life is unpredictable and you never know what happens next. Sometimes we don’t know what’s best for us or what’s truly meant to be until it just surprises us. So instead of trying your hardest to control the things that are beyond your control try to focus on the present moment. Look around and ask yourself what you can change, fix or adjust at this very moment to make your life better and do it! For instance, I know that I need to call my brother, make myself a cup of coffee and declutter a bit my place to feel happier, healthier and more peaceful right now. And this is what I am about to do right now. Remember that you don’t have to have everything figured out to take intentional action. But you have to take action in order to produce any result. Action creates motivation and motivation helps us to create a vision for our life. Start where you can start but start now and stop worrying about the future because no one knows what happens next. Live here and now and take intentional action. I going to make myself some fresh coffee and then I will know what to do next. Take care and have a beautiful day!!

      (“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” - Mahatma Gandhi)

        1. Honestly, I think that doing one thing at a time it’s the best strategy you can use to move forward in your life. We tend to overthink and overanalyze everything especially when things don’t go as we planned. But the truth is the more you think about something instead of taking an action and putting yourself in motion the more you get stuck. Furthermore, taking action creates motivation. Which basically means that the more you do the more you get motivated and inspired by your own actions. I call it: the Action Habit.
          It may seem a bit strange at the beginning but if you try to think less and do more you will feel better almost immediately. Just start where you can start. Make a list of things that you can fix, improve and adjust easily in order to make your life a bit better and start doing them one by one. Start where you can start. It doesn’t have to be something spectacular. It can be anything. Maybe you need to clean your desk or get some fresh air? Do anything you can or want that will put you in motion. And don’t be so harsh on yourself. Remember that small actions lead to big results. Take care and have a beautiful weekend.

          1. I tried cleaning my desk last night, and I found an envelope I never opened saying that my insurance policy was never renewed, so in that case, decluttering ended up making things even more stressful. That’s what my life has been like for the last year or so; stuff keeps coming up faster than I can deal with it. Seriously, though, in general I think that’s a good idea.

  2. Yes, I LOVE IT! I’ve written before about giving too many fcks, and have also recommended books like Mark’s and others along a similar fck it line of approach. I definitely give too many of these for too many things that, in the grand scheme of things, aren’t that important. It can become utterly exhausting and it’s not good for our wellbeing or mental health. Really interesting 3x8hr tip, too!
    Caz xx

    1. 3x8h rule is the one that keeps me sane. We all need some kind of structure for creating a sense of stability and balance in our lives and this is how I do it. Honestly, if I didn’t schedule my “me time” and quality rest I would be working for about 16h, and then I would most probably be procrastinating (because who needs sleep?!) Of course, it’s not always 8 hours of work, 8 hours of productive “me time” and 8 hours of sleep but I try my best to live by this rule. I used to sacrifice my sleep for doing other “more important tasks” what was causing me extreme tiredness and exhaustion (weird 😂) It took me years to understand that resting properly is the key to being productive and… healthy. It’s all about creating a healthy balance. It’s not easy but it’s worth it. Take care Caz!! 😃

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Hey, I’m Kate. I create content about a holistic approach to a meaningful life. On this platform, you will find resources on reaching YOUR goalstime management,  personal growth, & living your best life. 

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