Tag: purpose

10 Simple & Smart Ways To Enjoy Life More.

Social distancing, quarantines, and isolation during the Coronavirus pandemic are quite challenging, to say the least. In these difficult times is so easy to engage in negative thinking and obsess over worst-case scenarios, but it’s not how you build strong mental health and improve your mood. So instead of watching news 24/7 that can only make you feel worse and worse do the things that make you feel genuinely happy, peaceful and fulfilled. Do something that feeds your soul and makes you feel alive! Create a hobby (or hobbies) and make time for it! 

One Simple Strategy To Organize Your Life In One Day.

The secret to living an organized life is to plan everything in advance. This simple strategy will give you comfort, peace of mind and a sense that you’re focusing on the right things instead of falling into the trap of urgency. Not to mention that having it all planned out means is a synonym of being less stressed, more productive and mentally prepared for what is about to come, or more precisely, what you’re about to accomplish.

Attention Is Our New Currency. Let’s Exchange It Wisely.

Attention is one of the most important resources that we have. That’s why everyone and everything is fighting for your attention. All the outside world wants YOUR attention. Why? Well, because attention became our new currency. By getting your attention others are making money or feeding their ego. And you must step up and say “NO”. Because if you want to succeed in life you need to FOCUS on what’s truly important for you NOT for others. And to help you with that I wrote this post! 

Essentialism - How To Do Less And Get Better Results.

The concept of Essentialism also called the power of less or the art of prioritizing basically means doing more of what is important to you and cutting out of what isn’t. It’s the ultimate solution to the problem of running gout of time. When you look at it objectively, there is no such thing as too little time. It’s all about how you use your time.  If you think that you could make better use of your time, focus on your top priorities and create a life with substance this post is for you! Because I am about to share with you my tips to apply essentialism to your daily life in order to achieve true greatness (and peace of mind).

The 5-Step Weekly Routine For Living A Successful And Happy Life.

First things first: Planning and organizing your week in advance is crucial if you aimed to be successful. Because in order to get the results that you desire to experience you need to plan everything out in detail.
There are no shortcuts in creating a happy, successful and fulfilling life. To achieve the life you want, you need to create a vision of your future self, set SMART goals that align with that vision and develop the action habit that will help you to turn your dreams into realities. In other words, you need to structure the perfect plan for your success and filling your calendar with the right things is the first step in doing so. 

Filling up your weekly schedule with your own priorities will not only maximize your chances of success in life but it will also help you to find happiness in your achievements.

So let’s not waste any more time dreaming about living a successful, happy and fulfilling life. Let’s create healthy habits and powerful weekly routine that will lead you straight towards the life you want. It’s time to address 5 areas of your life and create a weekly routine for success and happiness. Have fun!!

7 Powerful Mindset Shifts That Will Make You Successful.

Table of Contents <h3>Success Is A Mindset</h3> <p align=”center”>What separates those who achieve success from those who don’t? They have a successful mindset. </p><p align=”center”>Highly successful people know that success is not something you obtain overnight without much effort. Success is not a coincidence but the result of hard work, continuous…

6 Self-Improvement Habits to Adopt Before 2020!

6 powerful self-improvement habits to adopt before 2020. Set yourself up for a successful 2020 righ now.

Get into the Habit of Being Seriously Organized Before 2020! - powerful tips, healthy hacks and lots of freebies!

Schedule means getting things done. That is why you should not underestimate its importance, especially if you consider the monetary value of your time. And let me tell you, even if you are not at the working place in a particular moment, your time has still monetary value because you either saving money or investing them in your future. 

So take some time at the end of every week and schedule upcoming week for maximum productivity (learn how to become more productive HERE). Write down everything you need to accomplish in a new document (Google calendar, Outlook) on your phone or on your computer. Prioritize your tasks and set deadlines for any of them. Plan for maximum productivity BUT don’t overschedule. Be rational and always negotiate with yourself. Do not be your own tyrant. Design your ideal week and set yourself up for success. Start creating a successful future right now!

Are You Suffering Unnecessarily? - 20 Ways You Are Self Sabotaging Your Happiness

Can We Stop With the Self-Sabotage Already? 20 Subtle Ways You Commit Self-Sabotage Without Knowing It And How to stop it</p> <h3>You Create Your own Reality</h3> <p><strong>Nothing has meaning alone</strong>. <strong>We create</strong> <strong>meaning and we bring it to life</strong>. We create <strong>stories</strong> and <strong>narratives</strong> to make sense of the world….

10 Proven Ways to Instantly Calm Down & Relax

Life in the modern world is very busy and filled with stressors. You cannot avoid them all. However, there is a lot you can do to reduce stress levels and create a more peaceful and balanced life.

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