Tag: stress

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Deal With Stress And Anxiety In Difficult Times

Given the chaos of the moment, it is a real challenge for everyone I know to stay focus on what really matters. Because watching the news and listening to journalists that spread panic like fuel on a fire, seems much more engaging but at the same time, it’s completely unproductive. It’s easy to focus on what’s wrong. But when you press through and focus on the things you can control you’re not worried anymore about the things you can’t.

This may come as a surprise to you but one of those things that you can control is the level of your stress. Of course, I am not saying that you should not be worried or scared because honestly, I don’t think it would be possible. We’re all stressed, anxious and worried to some extent and it’s completely normal given our current circumstances. But there are some things you can do on a daily basis to manage your stress and focus on what you can control. And here they are:

Wellness Weekend Challenge: 10 Ways To Reset, Relax And Reboot.

Most of us can hardly find time to relax during the week. We’re too busy to navigate through our jam-packed schedule to be able to pause for a second to take a deep breath, let alone having a rest. And then suddenly it’s the weekend, but work fatigue, exhaustion and tiredness make us unable to relax even when given a chance. It’s time to change this negative life pattern! It’s time for a weekend wellness challenge!

How To Make The Most Of A Difficult Situation: 12 Things To Focus On During The Coronavirus Pandemic.

With the COVID-19 outbreak now a pandemic, the world has become incredibly chaotic. We are all experiencing something that has never happened before in human history. All of the things that are happening right now are completely out of our control. But we STILL have a choice! We can focus more on the bad than on the good. I choose the second option. (remember that I’ve been living in total lockdown since 8th of march!) That’s why today I am sharing with you 12 simple ways to use THIS situation to your advantage. I hope you will find my tips helpful. But before you start reading, I just wanted to say THIS situation is temporary. It WILL pass. We will get through this together and we will be stronger than ever before! So keep your head up. You got this!

Simple & Powerful Ways to Manage the Anxiety and Stress of Doctor’s Appointments & Medical Exams.

You can reduce stress and manage the anxiety you inevitably feel when having a medical exam or doctor’s appointment with the right attitude and proper preparation. And to help you prepare for your next health or medical appointment I’ve created a list of smart & powerful habits you can do to make the upcoming medical appointment less stressful and more manageable.

Simple But Powerful Self-Care Tips for Solid Mental Health - be your own therapist

We like to think of ‘mind’ and ‘body’ as two separate entities with no connection between them. But when it comes to health this way of thinking can lead to a misconception. But
mental health and physical health are closely linked and you should value your mental and physical wellbeing equally. Because if you focus only on building a strong body completely ignoring your mental health you will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Ultimate Way To Overcome Procrastination And Become A Highly Productive Person - you will love this!

“Our brain tricks us into believing the low-hanging fruit really is the ripest,” said the lead researcher, Dr. Nobuhiro Hagura. This is because we, as humans have this tendency to avoid the effortful decision and see a more challenging option as a wrong choice. We are all comfort seeking creatures, therefore, we prefer the solutions we are familiar with. And there’s nothing wrong or strange with that. But if you want to reach your full potential and go beyond imposed limitations you need to challenge yourself otherwise you won’t develop new skills and learn new ways of thinking.

5 Steps To Success In Achieving Your Goals.

There is something magical about setting new goals in life. Probably because goals announce a change, a personal transformation. Because whether you’re chasing a new direction in life or making only a small adjustment of your current lifestyle you’re going to transform and grow from this experience. And this is probably the best part of a goal-setting process and the journey towards achievement.

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